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I'll thinking of creating a series of animated shorts yo bridge the gap of how long I take to grab footage and edit, and have them be above 10 minutes long.

Also the discord is coming back very soon, and I'll post it here for everyone to take part in a patreon tag.

The biggest part of this is because i feel as if I dont have an adequate way to thank everyone for their generousity.


I will ask people frequently from the patreon for voices to help assist the series I have in mind.
I am sorry but I cannot pay you for this. I 100% understand if you dont want to participate then.

Otherwise, in the near future, I'll start asking for help from everyone here.

Enjoy a sock.



Cool hope everything goes as planned 👍


Heck yes !! If you need an extra editor or voice actor or script writer let me know !


Will we ever see the return of Sock Sights, or is it dead for the time being?


I just don't have much to analyze. Butt no its not.