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Around the time Diplomatic Claim was first thought up, I was already tinkering with another Inanis project, HMS Fatum Intra Faux. 

HMS FIF was intended as an interactive adventure of a ship of springhares who travel the stars taking on missions (HMS standing for Hopping Mission Ships, Hopping ships being ones that can project themselves, the springhare equivalent to FTL). 

Before each story a breif overview of the mission is presented to the readers, and viewers could then choose character loadouts, the size and members of the groups that leave the ship to do their mission, and the skills/personality/equipment of those chosen to go/stay. These choices would then determine how the stories goes, be it a success, failure... or crew wipe in the bellies of beasts....

While Diplomatic Claim took over as the main project, I still have a soft spot for HMS FIF, and indeed the crew and ship still exist.... In fact here they ar doing their very first mission!

That's right, Viewers are going to be able to make some choices coming soon, and such choices will have very big impacts on how this crew carries on ;D

But first... I'll shortly set up a poll for crew name choosing! 




This leaves me very conflicted because I would absolutely love to learn about this crew and see them go on adventures, but my vorish mind really wants to make choices that will get them all bellied. XD