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As with the Q&A session for Rag Tag, Patrons may ask a question that I'll do my best to answer in a far more detailed way thne a single sentence!

Feel free to ask a question in the comments! ;3



Is it common for springers and other lifeforms to have such an intimate relationship with their space stoats?


Hum, so many things I could ask... But I suppose I'll go with this: which would make for a better companion in the setting of Diplomatic Claim, a Synth Stoat or a Grimalkin? And what are the pros and cons for each?


Does V feel empathy? If not in the same way we do, how does she?

Tea Spot

The Tiny Hungering Vulpines certainly can feel empathy and she will display her empathy with her prey on occasion, especially prey that are not aggressive. That being said, she does experience it in a way similar as to that one might feel when considering the chicken that became the chicken nuggets one might have on the plate before them. In a way, she enjoys the feelings empathy can bring out in her with her prey in an almost abstract way, and will consider such emotions as delicious as the prey themselves, though if anything they will only encourage her actions.

Tea Spot

Ooof now that is quite the question! I'd say it depends on your situation. Grimalkin as companions are more akin to your standard organic (though with a couple benefits ;D) though the Grimakins personality can make a marked difference there. They can be friendly, affectionate or simply cool and professional, and might well come along with ones self for reasons such as friendship, their usual services, or even simply for their own interest in the universe themselves. As for Synth stoats, their reasons for tagging along are far more pragmatic, and will usually revolve around the "species" usual operations. Synth Stoats are always learning more from thir surroundings, and find the learning of new information very important. As such one might follow along an adventurer or explorer. Others may stay for some other boon, such as being offered to become part of a megastructure to maintain it or a ship's AI. Their interest in teaming up with someone often has a more loogical tint to it, and as such one might be wise to fully understand the terms and conditions of such a Synth Stoat companionship.

Tea Spot

What a nice question! Sadly, the answer is generally... no. This isn't as much due to acceptance and boundaries between species, but more to do with the rarity of Synth Stoats in many parts of the galaxy.Synth Stoats are not all that common, which would rule out such relationships being common. that being saifd, it's not unknown for such a relationship to bloom. One long-standing association between a Synth Stoat and a Springhare for example, would be Camomile and dipso, the former vetting the latter for potential future use in a more trusted position, though the latters interest in the pleasures of the prey does hold them back some, as while Camomile may discourage with words Dipso indulging himself.. with her actions, well... All in all it';s not impossible, but it's very much not a common thing.