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Somehow this piece slipped between the cracks when uploading the Pre-Diplomatic Claim Art. Well, best to mass-upload it right now then!

They were going to take her apart. She was at the mercy of these Synthetic Stoats and her fate was already sealed.

Already one had it's jaws around an arm, already swallowing her limb above the elbow.  She knew the bite would come shortly, and the arm would be gone, down into the belly of the synthetic beast.

The other was held back with offerings of electronic components, something it required for the work ahead it wanted to manage. Then it would join in the feeding, feeding on her form until she was gone in the two bellies to be absorbed as raw materials.

All of this was simply to complete a standard repair job for the station. Sure, the Synth Stoats could have returned to base to gather up supplies and requested organic material brought up for the specialised job, but why wait?

To any observer, it was a win-win. Synth Stoats cannot operate in Dragon territory without a handler. Any AI system must be shackled or otherwise controlled. There must be some form of oversight with any synthetic creature within the Dragon Empire. Clearly, the Synth Stoats both get materials, and rid themselves of an annoyance that probably bossed them about.

Except this was the third time they had devoured her this week, and each time she offered no protest. 

Monday they needed her legs, and regrew some new ones to replace the synthetic legs they loaned her. 

Wednesday they needed her to input data in a remote location with one stoat while the other needed oversight elsewhere. So one stoat simply bit off her arm, ensuring the arm was wirelessly connected to her body with a synthetic end of the arm providing nutrients, and placed it back on her body once the job was done.

And now on Friday they needed her entire physical form, churned down to pudge and raw resources. Not the first time or the last that she would be reduced to a Synth Stoat PudgeAI running on one of their hips. Come the weekend they'll do their very best to remake her body as it was and put her mind back into it. 

They even do their best to enact any requested body altering on remaking her, a hairstyle here, an eye colour there, and now she is how she always wished to be. And natually, every time jaws touch flesh, they ensure their actions only cause bliss and a slight pressure as they bite down.

When you have a overseer as accommodating, accepting and also as delicious as her, a Synth Stoat will often go out of it's way to provide good post-digestion aftercare~



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