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The centre of the Palace was marked with a large domed hall that was connected to the rest of the habitat via a single set of double doors, which further branches out to the connecting hallways and rooms. While outside it airless, all connective passages and rooms were as if on a planets surface with light, air and block stone lined comfort. The double doors before the Fogged Leopard was giant, far larger then Softscent could open. As a courtesy there was a second, smaller door set within them, below the left handle. Softscent hesitated before the double doors, one set inside the other, and contemplated the insult they represented unintended or not, representing yet another way to set apart the smaller walking possessions from the owner of the palace."

The entrance of the notably irate feline was the start of a meeting that was arranged beforehand between Softscent and the dragon reclined within the room. As such, the opening of the door caused no reaction within the large scaled creature, her eyes looking out the transparent domed recessed into the ceiling and towards the stars beyond. It was night time beyond the dome, but then again it was always night time when one was travelling between the stars themselves.

The door closed behind Softscent, hiding the view out into the reception area and the few small Quokka working there. The two were now alone, a situation many creatures would find unsettling. Softscent had long ago lost such airs and graces around the Dragoness that seemed to be ignoring her, and the Leopard continued her walk towards the large creature, until she was within swiping distance from the large draconic claws.

There was a pause of silence. Softscent let the Dragoness make the first move. Certainly, the feline could start the conversation, but between the unjustified displeasure the Dragoness may have at reacting instead of acting and the manner of the talk Softscent suggested, she decided it was not worth the risk. Others had been more stupid over less. Others had been eaten for less.

The Dragoness did not look towards Softscent when she spoke to the feline. Such an arrogant action would normally have caused Softscents hackles to rise but even she had to admit, all things considered the big lizard had the right and status for her aloofness. "Beyond the scent of the pheromones you exude, that I remind you still do not affect me, I smell frustration on you Feline. As this station has a great many processes on it, guessing the source of your annoyance may be difficult but I assume it is related to myself in some way otherwise you would not risk coming to me over a trivial affair." She did not move her gaze from the stars, nor even change expression. It was as if the entire meeting was a minor passing ponder for the large beast. Softscent had more then a small feeling the Dragoness already knew full well part of the reason the leopard had come.

Softscent grit her teeth a little. So the lizard was possibly casting a conversational net, and one well enough to possibly guide the Leopard wherever she wanted, even knowing the traps are there. Typical. "It could also be more then one grievance I bring." She coldly remarked in turn with some edge in her voice. Truth be told it was a growing list of grievance, but most were too petty to mention.

Were this any other situation, any other relationship, any other location, such a correction and way of speaking would leave many either under this Dragoness' paw, or tightly within the jaw. In any case despite the lack of punitive action the remark and it's method of making did cause a slow and deliberate turn in the large horned head, a clear non-verbal warning for those that knew Dragons. The body of the Dragoness shifted slightly on the comfortable floor and cushion, exposing a lighter green underside and a belly that seemed to be more rounded in the middle then usual. "Then speak." Was all that came, possibly a challenge, possibly acceptance.

The leopard sighed and in doing so more of her pheromones leaked from the rosettes across her body, with little ability for her to control this basic function. "It's two problems Bridgescale, at least this time. But I'll start with the easier one. We are down three members of staff today, at least two are useful in the operation of the station and all were personally picked by myself for their roles. A female Hyena who was working on both discovering sapience limits within Fengus and Weeping Fengus, a male Quokka who operated abandoned level air purification systems, and a male Grimalkin who was wandering the disused habitation regions as his duties."

The Dragoness paused, and then slowly blinked, her eyes showing the lack of concern. If anything the blink had hints of pleasure to the expression. "I do remember those three being in designated restricted areas." She said with a distracted air, as if regarding something unimportant.

"I'm sure you did" Retorted Softscent. "I'm sure I know where they are now, too." Though a mutter, she knew full well that Bridgescale could hear that second sentence clearly.

There was a small rumble from deep within Bridgescale. While possibly concerning to many, Softscent knew full well it was a sound some Dragons made when experiencing a very physical enjoyment. "I still feel the Grimalkin. What of this matter? I am apprised of the situation already, for I resolved it." 

Softscent gritter her teeth hard this time. It was something for her to unclench her jaw to reply. "I'm sure you are very aware, but the real question I have.. is why?"

Bridgescales eyes slowly looked upwards without moving her head for but a moment. If Softscent didn't know better, she was not so much recalling the memory, but actually rolling her eyes at the question. Still, Bridgescale answered in her own time. "Whilst I enjoyed a walk through the less used habitation area and it's spacious hallways, I came across the scent of hyena, Quokka, and freshly arriving grimalkin. On sighting the situation, I saw a hyena with a well fed stomach, and immediately afterwards a Grimalkin consuming that Hyena. Clearly this is the start of a long chain of predation that would result in a great number of problems before it reached myself consuming whatever was current on that chain, so I closed the chain there and then without involving more poor creatures along the way. Consider that a boon from myself to yourself." The Dragoness' stomach shifted slightly from someone trying weakly to move within, almost as if the conversation has elicited some spirited struggle to alert Softscent of the plight.

The Fogged Leopard needed to massage the bridge of her snout with her paw while she collected her thoughts. "Chain predation?" was all she muttered in exasperation before composing herself. "Bridgescale, that wasn't what was happening. The Quokka and Hyena were out on repair duty in the further reaches. They mentioned something over comms about being hunted by some creatures that were stalking around down there, possibly some of the Kessler Rats that were reported on arrival." 

Bridgescale looked on without comment then tilted her head to the side slightly as if to encourage Softscent to continue. 

Sighing, the Fogged Leopard continued "Look, I don't know why the Hyena ate the Quokka, probably a good chance the hyena could get them both out faster that way if they were being chased, they have worked together several times and made a good duo. But I sent that Grimalkin down there myself to get them both out safely with it's larger bulk. The Grimalkin was eating them to transport them safely past what might be a dangerous situation for creatures smaller then itself, one of the options I specifically allowed it." 

Bridgescale snorted in response. "Were all that true, why did I not encounter any of these mysterious pests? I saw nothing skulking around when I took my walks there and there were no beasts hunting me. They might make for an amusing snack, assuming they are worthy of a Dragoness feasting on them."

Softscent rolled her eyes and almost turned around from avoiding the logic used in that statement. "Did you not consider that such creatures, whatever they actually were, might see the giant size or smell the... lets just say scent... of a Dragon and run as far as they can away from it?" 

Bridgescale pondered over that point a moment, looking forwards a little. "This does have some merit. Thank you for your report on this matter." She said at length before flexing her talons and looking back down at the smaller Leopard. "And your other matter of meeting me?" She asked, dismissing the entire situation with that question, and emphasising her point of moving on with a small burp that seemed surprisingly dainty for such a large beast. The stomach shifted about a little more from those within, and the air had a slight scent of wet Grimalkin now. How long did those consumed by a Dragon last inside, anyway? Softscent hadn't really any idea, but she knew it might be a little while if Bridgescale wanted.

When Softscent first met and worked with Bridgescale, such a casual conclusion to the fates of those within the Dragoness' stomach would have shocked her. No offer to expel those eaten, no apology or any real note of the situation aside recognition that it existed and the people involved were as good as gone regardless as to who they were... unless Bridgescale decided to let them go for entirely arbitrary reasons. Not only that but any demanding release directly would cause Bridgescale to have to churn down those eaten on principle, a kind of Draconic dominance Softscent guessed. The three now inside Bridgescale's stomach would likely remain there as the situation stands, but if Softscent pushed any further, then they would have no hope of escaping even if Bridgescale reconsidered. Now though Softscent mostly expected this indifference and while she did not like it, she had little option to accept it. It is possible that Bridgescale might let those within go eventually, but Softscent did not count on it; staff will need to rotate to compensate duties. The Dragoness had a habit of turning anyone eaten who was not considered by her as personally very useful as little more then pudge regardless. Still, sometimes Bridgescale had surprised Softscent with just who she tolerated, or even protected.

With a sigh, Softscent spoke. "The other issue is more important, and it comes down to the day to day running of the station."

A single brow above one of Bridgescale's eyes raised, but the Dragoness did not interrupt.

"I've noticed some problems with the execution of orders I've been giving since we arrived in orbit of the planet. For example, the initial survey and scanning of the planets surface I gave to allow us basic understanding of the topography, life forms and any potential structures to clarity within the first week was countermanded. I gave that order as soon as we arrived, and only today I find that not only have I waited two days for nothing, but it was you who cancelled the scanning. I was not informed."

"Yes" Came the reply, a little sooner then other words had arrived from the Dragoness. Was Bridgescale becoming terse, of all things? "I disapproved of the order, and have thus modified it. We need a more careful approach then blindly scanning a surface. If this was once a capital world as per your research, it may have some defences intact. As such, I've ordered a more careful approach, pre-scanning and then scanning sections of the planet in single square mile segments before analysing the information alongside what else we scanned for hints of dangers in new areas. It will achieve much the same as a basic scan, but will be far safer."

Softscent knew full well what else it meant. "I would prefer to be alive by the time we finish even the basic scan of the surface. This method will take years. Beyond that even, I thought I was in charge of this mission and it's direction." It was hard for the feline to not spit the words, and certainly impossible for her not not take a pace forward to point at Bridgescale. Softscent had few things that truly irritated her, but someone treating her like a house pet certainly was one. "After all, I did organise and collect all funding from sponsors, plan the mission in it's entire detail, and personally hired all specialist crew to staff it. I purchased the secondpaw station and hired the towing craft to get us here. Oh, and lets not forget that this is all to test my own theories on the fate of the old empires and the possibility this planet was once the capital of one such empire." The mist around Softscent thickened slightly from the increased emotion.

The Dragoness appeared entirely unconcerned by the words and actions from the Fogged Leopard, and with an expression a patient teacher might give to an unruly pupil Bridgescale extended one of her own forelegs and several claws to counter the points numbered by Softscent's accusatory pawfingers. "I remind you that while the contracts you have with me  to not allow myself cancel orders you give others, it allows me to alter any as I see fit. All Sponsors needed to be pre-agreed by my financial institutions as per Dragon Empire regulation, all crew hired required visas issued in my personal name to enter this region of space, The station you were allowed to hire previously belonged to myself as did the papers for sale. The towing craft belong to my shell companies and need approval from myself or my governors for any habitat or station towing. The planet resides in my own area of control and ownership, and I have moved personally from my palace and away from the comforts of my own world simply to engage with your research as a personal favour to smooth your mission due to my own interests. Do I need to remind you that you are entirely in my domain?".

"No." Softscent retorted gruffly, keeping a measure of herself despite her irritation. She hated to admit it openly, but when Bridgescale made a decision, there was often precious ability Softscent actually had to counter it safely. Sometimes it felt like Softscent had struck a deal with a devil. "But I would at least humbly request you consider telling me when you intend to alter my requests." The sarcasm in the statement would have been too far an indiscretion with most creatures around a Dragon, but Softscent herself was no ordinary creature in that she had at least some measure of Bridgescale and she hoped... respect. "As well as possibly holding back from eating valuable members of my research staff without contacting me."

Bridgescale gave a huff of air out of her snout at the audacity of the bite size feline. "I will consider it." She said at length, before returning her gaze to the stars above. "Though be aware I do realise there is a reason you hoard more staff then you need, especially when it comes to the smaller, herbivore species..." She trailed off with only a hint of the smug satisfaction within her at pointing certain implications out. No more words came from the Dragoness and the air she gave from her attention shifting was that of dismissal.

Softscent's eye twitched, both from the statement as well as the casual dismissal of another issue she brought forward. At least Bridgescale hadn't refused to consider her request outright. All she could do at Bridgescales remark to avoid issues further down the space lane.. was ignore it. "We still cannot lose too many before we know what is actually down there." She tried to say, though it came out more like a mutter, before turning to leave. Clearly there was little more Bridgescale wished to discuss at this time.

As Softscent reached the door she heard from Bridgescale a small belch, deliberately just loud enough for the Fogged Leopard to hear. Grumbling, she left the personal chambers of Bridgescale into the Quokka staffed reception. At least being near the small marsupials made her feel happy. They made everyone feel happy. Much like her, they simply could not control their ability.

Inside, Bridgescale resumed her combined enjoyment of watching the universe and feeling prey move helplessly in her stomach.



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