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The enjoyment of one's nature is something constant to not just organic creatures, but also synthetic. It seems that fulfilling one's perceived purpose, accomplishing what one considers their calling brings satisfaction that can appeal to instincts, coding and ideology.

In the case of Grimalkin, by and large for the species the satisfaction they gain from performing the traits of their species is the most pure form of enjoyment. Scents, textures, tastes and mass, all the way through them into their core fills the average Grimalkin. While the food that average space age folk consume provide sustenance to this species, the thing that truly appeals to the deep rooted instincts of a Grimalkin is far more concious then the average bowl of salad. Further more, the sheer knowledge of knowing that by consuming a living creature whole is what they evolved to do, combined with the reinforcing sensations they feel of the prey sliding down and into them give an emotional and spiritual satisfaction that simply cannot be synthesized.

All Grimalkin appreciate this aspect of their biology, be they entirely natural, or augmented significantly to allow them to better adjust to the space age.

This is the primary fact that determine much of Grimalkin society, such as it is. Moving ship to ship, station to station, they go where they are welcome, entering any ship that opens it's hatches to them. An agreement recognized across many stars that if you invite a Grimalkin onto your ship or station, you accept their simple rules. You allow them access to your ship crew and creature manifest. Anything on that list will not be eaten. Any intruder, invasive species or stowaway not on that is fair game. If there are no other crew on a ship or station, the Grimalkin claim it as legitimate salvage. Accept these rules and leave your hatch open and a Grimalkin may enter your ship of it's choosing, providing a boon to a ships security.

However, when accepting such a creature on your ship it is always best to check you have updated your crew manifest first, or that you even have one at all.

Being a Grimalkins prey is not considered something inherently dangerous. Most Grimalkin consider almost all those around them to be prey, even and especially those they consider their friends. This does not mean they have a superior attitude to other folk, or look down upon them. Many Grimalkin will cherish and love their friends as much as any darling. However, they may well still partake in their pleasures, especially when they consider coming together with their friend in such a way to be a deeply personal and trust-filled aspect.

Those eaten by a Grimalkin will soon find out why their fate as a filling for this creature is not always a terrible outcome. Grimalkin stomachs and certain other areas have evolved for the storage of creatures live, whole and unharmed, in order to keep the meal in the best condition for as long as possible during lean times. Fluids and gasses within a Grimalkins stomach will rapidly put the prey into a deep hibernation, gently keeping them contained within safely for as long as the Grimalkin wishes or at least as long as their hunger allows. Some might be kept deep within a Grimalkin for as long as it takes for the Grimalkin to verify the victim was on the ship crew manifest, others might well be kept hidden away for days on end or longer still. In the end though, the process is entirely in the control of the Grimalkin, who can release the victim whenever they wish... or allow the victim to have a gentle and relaxing time being processed into little more then pudge.

For many Grimalkin the final act of swallowing their prey is the apex of the experience. The moment where their pleasures indulging in the prey with jaws, tongue and paws, tasting over and inside the prey, feeling the softness on tooth and jaw, and holding the prey so very close, it all gives way to the claiming of their victim and with it the transition of sensations deep within. The small movements rapidly falling still to that sensation of a separate mass deep within that has taken to the shape best fitting of the Grimalkins stomach, knowing that within them they can feel all around the shape of something they hold alive and whole. 

To some this is the sheer thrill of hunting and capturing. To others the unadulterated appreciation and compassion of holding someone they care about so much they have to bring them within their personal care. To many the trust of prey surrendering themselves to the Grimalkins attentions both in the stomach and also by letting the Grimalkin enjoy them with jaws, paws and their long dexterous and needy tongue, is something that is akin to something sacred to be enjoyed with deep love, attention, and mutual sharing of pleasure of all kinds.

And after being tasted inside and out, a springhare recently enjoyed in such a manner certainly would be in no position to resist whatever happened to her next.

But in each and every single case, the sheer joy the Grimalkin feels of their prey as they feast upon friend and fiend alike is something they take the deepest most animalistic pleasure from. After all, if one does not live in the moment of enacting the one thing you were both evolved and uplifted for what is the point of living?



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