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There are few who understand the complexities and consequences of decisions. For most, a choice is a simple thing, a throwaway thought between which drink to have, or what to have for lunch. No consequences aside the immediate. Small choices for small people.

Some species, however, require deeper choices as their daily life, Fogged Leopards being a prime example. Similar to their cousins Snow and Clouded Leopards, Fogged Leopards are so named due to the mist that seeps out of their rosettes at all times, filling smaller spaces. Due to it's nature of affecting those within it and the mist's importance to Fogged Leopard biology, every day is parade of decisions to avoid problems before anything of noteworthy consequence is thought on.

Close fitting clothing can slow the mist seeping from their rosettes, something useful when needing those around her to remain clear headed. However this same garment trick can cause problems with a Fogged Leopards biology akin to holding ones breath, even potentially causing fainting. Thus one must consider the balance between her own well-being, and those around her.

Decisions like this on a daily basis are what trains the mind to look at the larger and longer scale of things with every action. Be they the daily planning of who to meet with, pass by, or the larger running of entire organisations and systems.

Creating and running an entire scientific and xenoarcheology operation by herself may seem like one of the more pedestrian things such a self-important mind so versed in decision making could be doing, but when one considers the scale such an operation requires even a Fogged Leopards mind can find itself taxed at times.

Growing the operation from small groups to where it is today took time and patience, but this skill of patience gave way to the numbers game of logistics when she came into possession of the Quokkabara station. Large, unwieldy and built to ensure a high quality of life for the refugee Quokka and Capybara that it was designed to house away from carnivores exploiting their abilities, when said species fortunes turned such stations could for a time be purchased at a bargain at the perfect time for her to expand operations.

Decisions compound decisions then, all needing urgent attention. Research grants, business deals and data access agreements for empires across the galaxy. Access and migration routes to be agreed with local space authorities. Technicians and researchers of all species to bring in, each with their own needs, ecosystems and instinctual desires to tend to. Experts for so many fields, and all needing approval yesterday. Even the station name was a decision that needed to be made on the spot, quickly chosen to mirror the desolate ruined planet she intended to put all these resources to study, known only as Fel.

It was something of a relief when finally the Dragon who legally owned the system containing Fel boarded the station, along with her entire retinue. While another decision that needed to be make immanently when negotiating, this was at least simple: The dragon resides on the station, or the station was barred from entry to Dragon Empire space.

With the arrival of a monstrously large, intelligent and arrogant creature finally on the station and all cargo and crew boarded, the balancing of all needs with decisions came to a very short pause for transit, to soon transition on resuming from needs to wants. There were no more decisions for her to make, at least for now.

Well, almost no more that is. One decision remained for her to make, and one that she had been enjoying the luxury of putting off for a while. Certainly one that she could ignore, but as with all the best decisions doing so would have consequences.

The rodent had belonged to one of the Springhare Loadout teams, something she believed were sometimes called Springhare Kits. It was doubtful if anyone would have paid such a small and slightly shy creature any heed or even remembered her. However, the keen eyes of a Fogged Leopard knew her. The keen eyes of a Fogged Leopard had chosen her, much as they had chosen all the crew individually and personally. 

Most of the crew on the Fel Station were chosen for skills, and unique outlooks. Some came from locations that enabled perspectives novel, some with skills perfect or her needs. And some... well some were chosen for other qualities.

Calling the springhare over had not been an issue. The rodents trusted her as much as any of the crew. Certainly the small creature was intimidated by her, though that was more due to personality then the potential use of physical ability, something almost everyone on board suffered, save a Dragon.

The mist had worked it's role as always. Within a short while the rodent was pliable, relaxed and utterly helpless in the Leopards paws. Her large paws had closed on the small form, and she did enjoy her mostly limp prize. Claws were gentle denting against her small form, teeth were massaging in their bites and tongue.. well the Fogged Leopard enjoyed every aspect and taste of her prey.

She took her time with the morsel, biting down gently and lapping up every flavour from the springhares unresisting softness. What little consciousness the rodent had was overwhelmed not only by the mist draining her mind and body, but also the blissful stimulation of what she might have been dimly aware was actually that of her consumption.

The Fogged Leopards mist did indeed drain from those around them, either passively in smaller doses or debilitating when giving the small rodents it's full treatment, but the feast the Fogged Leopards body made through her mist was one of empty calories. No nutrients could be extracted this way, only energy. As such, the rodents passing over the leopards tongue offered a far more fulfilling meal then those she passively leached upon when passing by.

The final swallow around the petite meal was a deep and slow one, filled with purrs that would have vibrated the last of the meals mind and body to pure ecstasy. That had all been much, much earlier, before the shifts had truly started on station for the relocation.

During the time she had made her decisions for the station pending it's moving she had enjoyed that springhare deep within her. Some carnivores in some less civil parts of the galaxy may talk of the enjoyment of prey struggles, pleading and anguish within their bellies, however for one Fogged Leopard the feeling she currently enjoyed was  personally far better. The lightest of panting, small gasps and occasional sweet sighs only she could her of her meal was a sweetness she enjoyed oh so deeply.

A live meal deep inside, unresisting, processed slowly by a stomach that both wishes nothing more then to work away the meal to nutrients, but is also evolved to keep that prey entirely in deep bliss so that despite the situation and it's possible wish for escape... it could not bring itself to protest, let alone resist. The sweetness of holding someone close who had surrendered themselves to her body. And the knowledge that it could well be an entirely willing meal, especially by now.

Now, however, the station was on it's way, towed across the stars by ship at a lazy pace, and the Fogged Leopard had her final decision for now looming. The rodent had been worked on for a long time now, approaching too long. The time had come where if the springhare spent any more time in the leopards belly, then there would be no returning.

The little one had been such a sweet creature, both in personality and in flavour, and could possibly make for a repeat indulgence is spared, leaving the leopard at a decision she found most enjoyable, one that held no wrong answer. In each case, she would be claiming this rodent in one manner or another.

Would she release, or would she relax and retain? 



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