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Well what's this? The Rimworld Springhares have been worked on again? Oh, yes!

The complete reworking of the Springhare Race mod for Rimworld is more or less at a state to be released! It'll be loaded up on the steam Workshop page at the start of the month, and while I'm fairly sure this'll be the last version before then, there might be little tweaks here and there first.

Still, I figure it's good for you lovley folk to see what I've been tinkering on! The mod itself has been essentially reworked entirely. The race has been rebuilt, as have factions, storyteller, senerios, and more. There have been the starting work on some springhare Bonewood Weapons so that I can work on those over the next month, and the old traits have been utterly removed. they never worked how I'd liked them to, and players found them confusing lore wise. I'll work out another way for them.

Next steps are to create a base mod for Inanis, that can have resouirces to be shared for future mods. Because there will be future mods. Bonewood and Bonewood China is a big part of this, harvested from Aniplantae, and used for crafting by Springhares. As well as this, I'll be working on some proper graphics and stats for the Springhare weapons, instead of the current minor tweaked vanilla-based weapons used, and with luck I'll be able to learn enough coding to make a rudementary version of the Springhare adapting condition. We will have to see.

With luck future mods will expand on all of this, as I hope to be able to create some Aniplantae creature mods, possibly Anifungae (Or possibly a single mod for each Inanis Kingdom) fairly soon, as well as mods for other critters such as Grimalkin and, perhaps, even the terror that are the Tiny Hungering Vulpines... the last (first) thing anyone wants to be raided by!

For now though, Springhares. Throw them at thine enemies!


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