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Well, well well, what's this? A Stellaris mod!

Something I've been working on for a while now, and finally overhauled it enough to be announced properly. 

Within a few days there'll be a some more pop profile picture placeholders, but as that's the only changes before making this live publicly I figure you Patreon delights might want to have a quick sneaky peek at the mod first!

Eventually I aim to add other Space Springhare specific items, such as special habitats, technologies, resources and the like as well as custom animated portraits. But for now, we will start with these "basics"~


-The Space Springhare species, including both species and leader traits

-A Space Springhare prescripted country empire with it's own origin. Those with Apex Xenos will note it is compatible with that mod, making them a prey species empire!

-The Space Springhare origin puts you in a cluster outside the galaxy, as void dwellers, with a locked of wormhole connecting. You'll have few resources, no habitableplanets and the other end of the wormhole may be overrun by npc empires before you escape forcing you to get inventive with your empire spread. Good luck!

-Space Springhares are playable, but if not chosen will still appear as an NPC empire
for your devouring swarm/determined exterminators/fanatical xenophobe empire to... play with.


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