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Space Springhares are a hopping rodent species well adapted to and evolved for living in deep space. Due to their lack of reliance on planets or enforced centralised society as well as keeping their population habitats in remote places in deep space they are not seen by other galaxy-based species as frequently as standard planet or empire based galactic species and are often considered a curiosity, minor or insignificant species of low population. Some might even claim them to be vermin or pests to be brushed aside. 

Space Springhares that do interact with other galaxy-based species are often keen on trading, co-habitation and building relations with species on an individual and small group basis, happy to provide services with their bonewood china or offer themselves as crew for ships. While this can be frequently a risky operation, Springhares that go missing are usually eventually replaced by others willing to fill the hole their compatriots left. Frequently a Space Springhare or three are kept by another species ship crew for reasons other then purely crew, such as being considered sentient and helpful ship pets, or emergency rations.

Outside galaxies, Space Springhares can inhabit both the dust roads between galaxies as well as the voids themselves in great numbers using their Bonewood China alongside other technology they gathered, often living alongside and trading with other species that ascended past the need for galaxies in conditions that might place them as one of the more widespread, numerous and technologically advanced species. Such Springhares are typically functionally immortal, using widely available medical technology traded or created by themselves.

Space Springhares generally avoid bringing any advanced technologies they have to a galaxy, preferring to use only their base Bonewood China and whatever the galaxy already has via trading and co-operation in order to both preserve development of species in a galaxy and to abide by other advanced extra-galactic species wishes. While Space Springhares in Galaxies are thus far less technologically advanced then those outside, staying or leaving generally are entirely down to personal choice with most galaxy Space Springhares preferring to live the lives they have been accustomed to where they grew up. 

Extra-galactic Springhares that have achieved much of what they wished in life within the safety of the void will often come to galaxies in order to enjoy more exiting but risky lifestyles in the galaxy fully in the understanding and expectation that their lives may be forfeit as a result. Descendants of these Springhares typically make up a Galaxy population of Springhares, who grow up attuned to the risks and excitement of such a lifestyle, with some being interested to move back to the less exiting voids between Galaxies.

Basic statistics

Average Height: 104 cm (3ft 5in)
Average Weight: 12 kg (26 lb)
Average Tail Length: 95 cm (37 in)
Typical build: Light
Hair colour: Typically can be brown to blond, grey or black though many Springhares do not have noticeable hair.
Eye colour: Usually Green, brown, grey-blue or hazel-red
Diet: Herbivore

Fur Colour

Springhares typically tan/light brown primary fur colour with a lighter cream secondary fur colour. A tertiary dark brown colour can be found on the ear tips and tail tuft. Variations in this fur colouration exist, though the more the fur colour goes towards the darker brown or lighter cream, the rarer the individual expressing such colouration.


The secondary colours on a Springhare are usually found on the lower leg, thighs, under the upper tail, belly, lower arms, chest and up to chin. Secondary colour can also be found partially or completely surrounding the eyes, cheeks, and connecting the eye surround with cheek and chin markings.

Anatomical features 

Ears and nose have a tragus to form a seal when exposed to both sand and a vacuum, preventing damage by sand and air loss in space for short times.

Eyes has a protective inner eyelid that protects against sand and the vacuum of space for short times.

Tail is more flexible when other Springhare species for easier movement in absence of gravity.

Ears are somewhat longer then terrestrial Springhare.

Diabisi Inanis

Not a medical affliction but the result of the species physiology naturally adapting to it's surroundings. Diabisi Inanis will be less noticeable when a Springhare is in full control their environment and more pronounced when their environment can control them. This process often takes generations, though it can happen rapidly in extremes. Space Springhares affected are notably more "happy-go-lucky", focused on singular tasks and trusting of other species. In it's full form, the Space Springhare will become feral in mind and body, essentially becoming a friendly and somewhat intelligent pet. Space Springhares consider this a natural part of their physiology, as many will have moved along the scale several times during their life. Due to the Diabisi Inanis being expressed when they live at the whim of other species environment controls, Space Springhares in co-habitation with other species will often have higher expressions of Diabisi Inanis, giving an impression that the species as a whole is reflected with the expressed traits.

Diabisi Inanis is expressed with the following traits:

-A complete trust in agreeable non-bipedal creatures and AI or Synthetic life
-Heightened trust generally
-Restriction of cognition resulting in focused but limited attention on reduced number of tasks
-Weakness to sensory overload reducing consciousness and increasing suggestibility i.e. ear petting, hypnosis, etc.
-A happy-go-lucky outlook and eagerness to please nearing fatalism.
-When fully expressed, the Space Springhare become progressively physiologically feral.

Progression levels for Diabisi Inanis can be referenced as such:

No Effect (Monarch/Void Springhares): Far thinking, less emotional and rarely trusting. Are mentally resilient though lack speed in reflexes. Rarely seen in person by other species.

Minor Display (Springhare Habitat/Ship-based) Relaxed, inter-co-operative. Considered akin to most species mentally.

Major Display (Other species settlement/station): Friendly, happy-go-lucky, short term thinking and notably pliable mentally. Can get muddled in thoughts and trusts a bit too easily.

Full Effect (Planet environment, no settlement): Physically and mentally feral animal, akin to a smart and tame non-sapient Springhare. Rarely seen due to natural predation.



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