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In the universe of Inanis, it is not just the Space Springhares that prefer the depths of the void. Other species make similar journeys as the Springhares between the stars, in ways that are even less centrally controlled then the hoppers.

The Space Stoats are a curious creature, a fully realised Artificially Intelligent life form created so long ago no empire remembers. Despite their background and type of life form, the expectation of their being highly organized and extremely advanced is both correct, yet highly incorrect.

Space Stoats typically have two 'forms' as it were. The first form is the base form of the species, as shown here, and is generally highly uniform among their numbers. As small as a hand, these tiny creatures have incredibly advanced technologies built into them that serve highly specific roles. The role of this form is three-fold: To house the AI personality of the Space Stoat, to hold all knowledge that the Space Stoat has, and to house the functionality for the Space Stoat to self repair and construct their secondary form. 

Due to it's small size and relative weakness physically, it is rare, if not unheard of, for a Space Stoat to wander around in this form without it being absolutely required. Almost always the Space Stoat will be in their second form, their chassis body.

Space Stoats will put great effort into constructing a proper body that reflects them as an individual. This body may take the shape of a Pine Marten, a Weasel, a Badger or any member of the family  Mustelidae that best reflects that Space Stoat. Often this chassis will also have customised functions and components that the Space Stoat wishes to use built in.

While highly advanced, this chassis body will typically appear much more like traditional synthetic life forms, ranging from pseudo-organic to a more boxy and blocky construction. Almost all Space Stoats will however have some components, organs, that have similar functions. Bio-reactors, comms modules, audio modules and small micro-factories are build within almost as standard as a way to continue their existence, though some may install things such as organic storage and other less essential functions.

Once completed, a task that can take a Space Stoat anywhere from days in an emergency to years for a picky individual, the Space Stoat will enter the Chassis and become one with it. The body of the Space Stoat will be un-made, and it's components and compartments will be spread across the Chassis, some being de-constructed entirely and replaced with the chassis' own. With this process completed, the Space Stoat for all intents and purposes becomes the chassis, a process that can take considerable time to reverse safely.

Such individual tendencies in their designs betrays the greatest weakness of Space Stoats, and also the reason they are still able to exist in such a wide degree of conditions. Space Stoats have no government, no territories and no empires. Typically they will form groups on board individual ships and travel around, bartering and trading, looting and feasting. Some may become valued rescue workers consuming their clients and fleshy friends to safely transport them from a ruined ship to an evacuation station, while others might be a danger to ever allow ones guard down around. You never know what you will get when a new Space Stoat family shows up.

Space Springhares have a varying relationship with Space Stoats. The two will often interact with each other due to their mutual preference for the void of space over the embrace of planets, forming part of a space-based ecosystem away from the more artificial and short-last space empires of the stars. While Space Stoats have been known to be a menace to Springhare safety, some raiding ships and stations and consuming all within for materials and fuel, others provide vital services of salvage and rescue. Others yet do both options, sometimes on the same Springhare ship.

If seen to be not hostile, the Springhares will typically be open to these artificial life forms, and it is known that Space Stoats, while sometimes often being slightly more feral then other races, can make for wonderful ship mates when given a chance.

The artwork of this Space stoat was made by Timor.



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