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Oh look, it's a Not-Thistleland character! Yes, I actually have these!

This delightful and upbeat Springhare is from the Fatum Intra Faux universe, where Space Springhares really shine as a species! You will, eventually, be seeing more of FIF as well as this chipper springer in the future.

Her name is Jasmine, and she is a recently appointed Queen Springhare, dedicated to Diplomacy.  She is usually seen with her hovering Bonewood China AI assistant which takes minutes of official diplomatic interactions and proves information regarding known political and empire-wide situations for the species she's to be with, as well as allows her to pass secure messages back to the Coordinator Queen Springhare she was appointed by. She is also known to have four highly enthusiastic Diplomatic Assistants, Springhares that volunteered to assist in any way they can. Typically this involves interactions with other species, carrying items and general dogsbody work. As with such lower diplomatic work, they are fully aware there are dangers in their role, and that they have usually replaced a Springhare that satisfied the host species in other ways then expected...

Springhare society, what there is of it, has a vague Oligarchy basis, where Springhares are elected to join a group called Queen/King Springhares based on their merits. Generally this is less a position of power, but an appointment of specific responsibility over and representation of Space Springhare needs in any given galaxy/area.  An opening came up for an official Diplomat, and jasmine was chosen. It's worth noting that most Queen and King Springhares are, or become, Pedetes Inanis Domum and are usually colder, most distant and calculating. Queen/King Diplomats, however, are usually an exception to this, and Jasmine very much so!

Jasmine believes greatly in diplomatic immunity and her role as an ideal diplomat, and as such will rarely do much aside offer verbal protests to situations she is not happy with, on the hope that her position as a diplomat will allow her to be removed from trouble if needs be. This is especially important as Diplomats are often unarmed by design, and surrounded by more carnivorous species...

This piece of artwork was a personal commission, by an artist called iPoke who put this character into excellent repose! We will get back to official artwork soon!



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