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Before the Thistleland comic was ready to be started, Timor and I thrashed styles for how the comic should look. There were a lot of considerations both on my own side but also on Timors, with unexpected turns here and there. In the end we worked out a ballpark figure for a comic style, and indeed a style to suit Thistleland and FIF on a wider scale and did some style sketches from the background lore of FIF and Thistleland for it showing some random characters, species and anatomy testing to give a good variety to flex the style.

From left-right, top-down we try-outs for a Tiny Hungering Vulpine Proto-Vixen drone (devouring swarm hive mind species for FIF), a Gen (Symbiotic/Vorebiotic Space-age Genet species for FIF), a Space Springhare (As seen in FIF and Thistleland), Isembard the firefly from Thistleland, Mark the coyote from Thistleland and the first shot of Timor himself.

This first stylesheet worked rather well, and certainly suited what we were both hoping for! With that done, there were some size testing and thrashing out for how species and characters should relate to each other, before another round of style tests to solidify everything. But that'll be coming soon~!



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