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The weeping Fengus is a species of fungus that imitates the Fengus species. While superficially similar, they do have both physiological and diet differences.

Weeping Fengus produce an excess of thick red goo-like fluid in their eyes and maw, making them appear to be 'weeping' at all times. This fluid is also their main hunting method: Weeping Fengus are actually opportunistic predators.

A Weeping Fengus will follow someone they take an interest in, often fetching them items and being an overall beneficial presence. However, if that person is downed in combat or otherwise incapacitated, the Weeping Fengus will strike.

While their jaws are as harmless as a Fengus, the Weeping Fengus fluid can, if it breaks the skin, rapidly turn a victim into a goo version of themselves, a disorientating process that leaves the victim ripe for being drank by the Weeping Fengus, effectively eating them alive. While this process of breaking the skin with their almost entirely harmless jaws takes time, the goo will render a victim relaxed and helpless on skin contact.

Thankfully the transformation effect is temporary, and the relaxant effect of the goo on skin contact will typically wear off after five seconds of it not being applied.

Some Kobold are known to dip their arrows in Weeping Fengus goo for the express intent to capture a victim while they are helplessly dazed in a goo-state.

Artwork by the delightful Charu




Jesus Christ where does all this come from is Incredible

Tea Spot

Aha, thank you! I've been slowly brewing up content for Thistleland and FIF in my head for a few years now, though it's only recently that everything has come together to this point!