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"Darjeeling finished crossing the lobby, careful to avoid any of the moving Templethorn vines as slowly as her nerve allowed. When it came for the marten's turn, he has scarcely taken a step when fate interrupted. The lobby wall erupted in a storm of rotted plasterboard as the hulking figure entered the room without using any doors at all. 

Stepping forward unafraid of the vines the one person armoured wrecking team took but a second to survey the surroundings, before his head snapped to look at Darjeeling though the out-sized weapon he carried did not rise. The masks voice projector crackling a noise indicating it's damaged state, the sole distorted question came loudly in an authoritative tone akin to a order being barked "What is this, inhabitant?". 

Timor cursed under his breath as the mask further turned it's direction towards him, followed by the intruders pose shifting to face down the marten while delivering a statement to seemly unknown parties with that same forced tone. "Begin log. Subject has been reacquired, resuming prosecution. End log." The only hint Timor or any of the Rodent Adventure Group has as to events approaching was the armoured suit lifting the heavy weapon to fire..."


Artwork by Timor



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