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Well this is something I've been tinkering with for the last couple weeks or so now, and while not compleated I've got it to the point of being useable and just want it out the door so I can be ready for the stellaris update and redoing all the mods for that!

The RimWorld Space Springhares mod adds (as you might guess) Space Springhares! With custom graphics (By Timor, naturally~) and a bunch of little extras here and there, this is setting up a framework fo future updates.

But wait, there's more! A few people have been requesting a Steam Workshop link for the mods, and I've been thinking the whole thing over. While I don't think the more specalist mods (such as vore-sprecific mods!) in the future will go wlel on Steam Workshop, general ones like Space Springhares (With patches for the specalist mods when avaliable~ ;3) should be fine for the Workshop. With that being said, I did not have a Tea Steam account.

Well, now I have a Tea Steam account, and a workshop. not only that, but the RimWorld Space Springhares mod will be on the Steam Workshop, as will future versions of Stellaris mods when they are made.. and other general mods. Specalist mods will be posted here only in the future as before.

On the same token, to avoid problems with the workshop linking back to a vorish patreon, I've set up a donations/tips Ko-Fi for general/non-specalised use with the Steam Workshop (and anywhere else for that matter!)

All in all, that's a lot of back end work just to upload a mod, it seems! Considering I had to buy RimWorld and get Steam purchases to be able to upload mods, I want to say thank you to every single Patron. You literally made it possible for me to do all that with the patreon payouts going towards it and the graphics commissions! 

Stellaris will be updating within hours for their next big versionn, and once that's done it'll be time for me to dive back into Stellaris modding with the Stellaris Space Springhares mod and the Tiny Hungering Vulpines mod, getting them fully up to date. Who knows, maybe I'll even get time/money for the Gen/Space Genets mod and the Space Stoats mod too..!

For now, I need more cups of tea. A whole pot of tea, even...


Steam Workshop :: Space Springhares for RimWorld

Steam Workshop: RimWorld. Space Springhares, also known by their scientific name Pedetes Inanis, are a herbivorous species of hopping rodent evolved to live between the stars. The species does not survive well on planets long-


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