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It has been a while since the last Space Springhare Mod update for Stellaris, but at long last things have moved!

A lot has changed since the previous update, 0.2 if I remember correctly. Since then both the Mod has progressed notably, but also so has Stellaris. Attempting to get the mod working properly on the latest Verne release of Stellaris, with it's new features, caused quite a few near dead-ends and large scale alterations that were finalised before needing to be refreshed entirely again, hence the new release being 0.7.3

So, what's in this version of The Space Springhares Mod?

-Prescripted Empire: Now you can play the Space Springhares as they were meant to be played, or better yet, crush them like the rodents they are! There is a prescripted Springhare Empire that will act as a standard Space Springhare experience, either to play with or against. And if you just want to wipe them out after that juicy, juicy extra cluster? Enjoy the sudden silencing of a billion squeaks!

- New Origin: Selecting this will push you right towards the space Springhares start, crash-landing you in a custom-made external cluster with a habitat preference, crammed into a single emergency habitat with two repaired ones nearby. It also activates the Springhare Boon/Bane traits, similar to and overlaid on top of the Void Dwellers own traits. Players will find it a challenging Origin from start to mid-game at the minimum!

-Cityscapes: The Space Springhares have their own city tileset, 100% custom-made for the mod by Timor. Sadly currently due to habitat's not supporting cityscapes you will only start seeing these when you settle planets, unless you use them as another species!

-Names: What's in a name, anyway? In this case a little bit. All leader names are custom selected for the mod and follow the Space Springhare tradition of the Space Springhare Monarchy naming convention: A hot drink for the first name, a material based name for the second. The ship names are currently borrowed from the spiffing "British Names" mod on Steam Workshop, though this will change. Check out that mod here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1638396102

-Flags: Do you have a flag? Sorry chum but we do, this land is ours now! A few flags have been added to give a more Space Springhare feel. Expect ceramic-based flags as well as a Springhare graphic.

The Space Springhares mod requires *no* DLC to work, and should cause no conflicts. If there are problems, please let me know!

It's worth noting that while there are many more features apparent in the mod, most of these are placeholders for things I will be working on in the future. Custom ships, habitats, districts, tech, ship names, leader traits, animated Springhare species profiles and events are all things that have some placeholders ready for future development but no physical function just yet. They won't hurt your playthrough but alas they might not benefit it just yet!

For now though, enjoy either playing as the springiest space species yet in Stellaris, or hunting them down like the xenos vermin you know them to be!

I'll be working on updating The Tiny hungering Vulpines mod next, including adding a few features that might make her even more terrifying then she already is (in a balanced way, or course!). But for now, I think it's time for a little rest. This update to the Space Springhares has kicked my tail for a little while now!



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