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Hello there, it's been a little while, hasn't it! 

First of all, my apologies for the slack time in posting. Some pretty notable Real Life changes have been going on, including snagging another source of income that has been, and is still needing a lot of catch up work that might be causing a fair amount of tress and time being taken away from things. Thankful this is coming to a more settles state (at last!). 

However, rest assured things have not been stagnant with this project, in fact if anything the scope has widened! 

This Patreon page will now have two somewhat related projects in it, Thistleland and Space Springhares. While you may know something of Thistleland (Or I would assume as you are here!), the Space Springhares are something that have been brewing up in the background for a little while.  

More information on the Space Springhares and what to expect from them will come in June, however you may already be able to make a guess as to what it might involve: Springhares in Space! Though, in reality there will be more then just Springhares involved~ ;3 

The Thistleland side of this page will also continue, with more content being released in June. You can expect artwork and stories around the Rodent Adventure Group, other minor and major characters, and the world of Thistleland at large. 

Another large change for the Patreon page is the funding focus. While there will still be levels of funding possible, there are all simply suggestions: Thistleland will be funded entirely by Tips. If you like the content, please feel free to tip and the money will go towards more content! 

As some of Thistleland contains mature concepts, all content will be behind a minimum of $1 tip. However, that being said content will also be available on FurAffinity and other places also, so do not feel you are missing out on juicy content! Some things, such as general votes, will be made as available possible to as many people as possible, regardless of tipping or not, though some polls may not be possible to do so. 

Not too much else to say just yet, though early June will be the date things will be starting to kick off! 

Keep on being folk of great taste~!  



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