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Each of the Rodent Adventure Group have various roles that both compliment the members interests as well as compliment each other's skills. Darjeeling and peppermint follow this well, and as such have formed a mutual appreciation of each others skills that has been helpful in overcoming Peppermints shyness.

While not as close to Darjeeling as she is to Bohea, Peppermint is quite at ease working with the larger springhare both in the field and at the camp, which is handy as it turns out the two rely on each others skills a fair amount.

Darjeeling's interest in the repair and crafting of clothing and light armours means that she is often helping patch up the groups outfits, especially when they stop to make camp after a skirmish when adventuring in a Quest. While Peppermint may be the groups Rogue, she is still prone to having her baggy and loose clothing snagged in a fight, be it from the claws of monsters, or the branches of nearby plant life. Quick repairs of such are Darjeelings bread and butter outside of fighting.

While Darjeeling is proficient at fabric repair and altering, she has little to no working knowledge on the maintenance and use of Avala technology, somewhat ironic as she relies on it greatly. This is where Peppermint can step in, her interest in the groups heritage and technology having provided her with an excellent understanding of Avala Matter Converters and Momentum Engines. Indeed, when the group were first gained official approval by The Adventure Guild many eyebrows were raised at how Peppermint already knew the workings of Avala technology, though no evidence was found to press charges of misuse of such. 

Whenever Darjeeling quarterstaff has had significant amount of use, Peppermint has advised she look at the weapon to ensure that it is still operating properly. While usually a formality, there sometimes is a need to replace the clay in the Matter Converter, and to check the heat sink in the Momentum Engine is functioning properly. 

Darjeeling never argues with Peppermint when it comes to such maintenance, knowing the squirrel knows better then any of them how the technology works, and Peppermint is glad to not have to worry about her clothing be torn to tatters because of her own actions. The mutual respect that has grown between the two as a result is possibly one of the quieter, but stronger bonds of the Rodent Adventure Group.

And here is the first of the character interaction pictures, between Darjeeling Thread and Peppermint Clay! Hopefully the lore included will give you a better idea of how these characters interact and how their personalities show through. This sketch was made by Timor.



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