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The Kotimid were skittish of the approaching adventure group. There were four of them, four! Certainly the draconic hoard were more numerous, but these were adventurers! They had big sticks! Nervousness spread through the diminutive Kotimid: While small, these rodents were as large as the small scaled creatures, and clearly more trained in combat.

The few Kobold steadied their smaller, less important cousins with their presence. Adventurers are by no means uncommon in the forested areas further away from the mountains of east Thistleland, and while this group seemed to have some confidence about them, they were just smaller rodents to this group of raiders.

The single Koprime regarded the small rodents with a measure of amusement. They had dealt with many adventurers in their time and saw these as no different, their small size excepting. Still, they looked to be a bit feisty and could cause a problem with the Kotimid, to it might be best to just make a snack of the tiny team before they became an irritation. 

When the mammals met the draconic, the single first strike by the blue Springhare's quarterstaff sent a Kotimid flying far further then could be natural, bouncing off the ground several times before meeting their halt abruptly against a tree trunk. The Koprime recognised the weapon as enchanted immediately, surprising for a group of rodents.

The Grasshopper Mouse was equally surprising, instead of a timid and reserved attack and withdrawal she threw herself at the closest Kotimid with surprising ferocity. One paw grasping the disgruntled Kotimid by the head, the small creature never got to realise what was happening before her fist connected with his facial features with a solid punch that took the Kotimid out of the fight immediately. With a punch like that, her paw certainly should be hurting but she showed no sign of the pain. Little did the frowning Koprime realise that Grasshopper Mice have the natural ability to simply not feel pain when they need to.

The other Springhare bore all the marks of the target the Koprime's quick glance brought. Elegant, with a pose that seemed almost theatrical, her staff produced a pinkish mist from it's gem like core even as the group began hostilities. Clearly she was the healer of the group, possibly a even an inexperienced mage. Clearly, this made her the important target to attack first, the Koprime considered. Weak, frail and unused to getting their hands dirty, healers and mages were the prey fodder for beasts like him.

The Koprime didn't even bother to give the squirrel much of a glance. Her nervousness and timid appearance merely registered as prey to him, someone to mop up after the fight, to pick up and carry off for some fun later, be it a tasty morsel to enjoy, a snackrifice for their Dragon or a more depraved pleasure. In doing so, the Koprime took little attention to the strange gauntlets around her wrists, only noticing them once they started to spit out several strange blue ball-like bolts of lightning in his direction. First the Koprime was shocked from his perpetual confidence, his body both twitching and thrown back far more then it should be, and then he surrounded by darkness, his twitching body slumped against the floor several feet further back from where he stood before.

The Kobold raiding party did not know of the Rodent Adventure Group, a new Adventure Group from Burrow Valley, or of their rather unusual status within the Adventure Guild. Had they been aware, they might have reconsidered fighting such small mammals.

Starting off this Patreon is a picture of the Rodent Adventure Group at work. The Rodent Adventure Group, normally known as the RAG, were brought into the Adventure Guild to represent the descendants of Avala refugees in Thistleland, allowing the people of Avala to prove that they can be trusted with magical artifacts and responsibilities.

The group consists of the following:

Rooibos Thread, one of the two Springhare Sisters of the group. Rooibos is both the groups leader, and their healer. Aspiring to be a full blown mage (Making her the first Avala mage!), she acts as the groups level head and tactical thinker. As she is not a mage yet, nor does she know magic truly, she has to make do with a staff that both heals and provides protection.

Darjeeling Thread, the other Springhare sister and warrior of the group. Darjeeling is one of very few Avala who has special permission to use their peoples Momentum Engines, which she put inside her quarterstaff. This enables her staff to send opponents flying with a strike, regardless of their size. Her specialty is challenging opponents in single combat with precise movements.

Bohea Tare, the Grasshopper Mouse brawler. A lover of fighting and a no-holds bar person both in methods and personality, Bohea, or Bo' to her friends loves to fight anyone and everyone, though often this can be a simple game of chess. Often abusing her Grasshopper Mouse ability to straight up ignore pain, Bohea often relies on Rooibos to heal her mid-battle so she can power through as many adversaries as her paws can beat on. She is also the groups quartermaster, the RAGs supplies being carried by possibly her most remarkable aspect: Her pet Red Planta.

Peppermint Clay, the Red Squirrel Rogue. Timid, shy and submissive, Peppermint often seems to be the worst choice for an Adventurer let alone for a close friend of Bohea. Her disabling gauntlets, however, allow her to function effectively in the group, each containing a small Momentum Engine that throws an enchanted charge of lightning to enemies rapidly. Her place as the teams combination rogue and range specialist work hand in hand, especially as her main tactic is to both avoid the big scary monsters, and to make said monsters go away from her.

The RAG are the main Characters of Thistleland, working their way around the continent, meeting and knowing it's inhabitants and learning it's secrets. Though with Thistleland and it's politics, dangers come for these four determined rodents not just from the beasts and monsters of Thistleland... but also from their own allies.

This artwork was created by iPoke 



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