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Hi Everyone! This is going to be a quick update as I'm working hard on getting the DBD animation finished before the end of the month! :D

We are very close to finishing the DBD animation I have been refining some of the motion on Vittorio and Felix, I've also added some extra wetness in areas, some stringy wetness, I added a bit more to Feng's facial animation so it looks like she's sucking with her cheeks and the major thing is I got the jiggles to work on the thighs!! I'm pushing forward as fast as I can to get it rendered out in 4k in time but the nude-only version may not be done quickly enough :(

Sorry for no GIFs of the DBD project this week but it's basically finished at this point I'm just adding all the juicy sounds :)

For the commission project, I've been refining some parts based on feedback but the main area I worked on was revamping the lighting so it looks a lot more atmospheric and less flat than last week's previews. I also started moulding the bed and pillow model so it looks like they are being pushed down by the ladies rather than their bodies clipping through it. I've started animating this project a little bit but there will be some nice GIFs next week of this project!

Sorry if it isn't the biggest update this week but I'm still dealing with a personal matter from last week which was one of my partner's pets sadly passing away. I'm still pleased with how much I got done on both projects but that is why things have progressed a bit slower.

We are looking good for getting the DBD project done before next Wednesday though!

Thank you again for everyone that supports me on here <3 you are all so amazing and I hope you've all had a lovely week and wishing you all the best for the weekend!!! ^_^




Both Discordia and Aphro models looking really good. This may be the first high detail smite ero animation?? Character choice was great too🔥🔥👩‍🦰👱‍♀️