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Hi everyone! Sorry for the day delay on this update I have one camera angle on the DBD project that was refusing to render and it took a while to figure it out, I narrowed it down to being a problem with the Felix model but I haven't worked out what exactly yet. It's odd because The first 6 camera angles rendered fine but the 7th camera has issues rendering the Felix model even though you don't even see him. Classic Blender shenanigans!

DBD Project

There are 7 GIFs above for you all to see :D I've been working on the basic loop for all three characters and I've rendered out a GIF of each camera angle for you all to see!
Moving on I will be adding more unique movements to each character to break up the looping animation and make things feel a bit more realistic but for a base I'm pretty happy with how it's looking.

The mesh deforms on Feng's mouth and vagina are both working well and I also added a slight throat bulge to enhance the blowjob visual. I'm thinking of adding a thigh jiggle onto Feng to add some more motion there.

Smite Project

The focus of the Smite project this week was modeling the bulk of the environment and texturing it. It's gone very well and super happy with the results so far! Originally the wall texture looked extremely flat even when using normal/ bump maps and I wasn't getting the depth I wanted from a stone block wall so I looked into adding displacement to the texture which ended up making the texture pop out.

I've started populating the scene with some furniture to make it feel more cosy but I'm holding off adding too much just yet as my next plan is to pose the characters in each position and set up the camera angles so I only populate the areas we would see in each camera. That way I don't waste time populating lots of the room when we wouldn't see it.

That's all from me for now! I hope you all like what you see and hopefully you all had a lovely week :) Wishing you all a lovely weekend as well <3




Love the shiny effects of fengs suit!