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Hello everyone! Sorry for the absence since my last post but I was pretty burnout after finishing that big project so late in December and I wanted to take a week off to relax and have a bit of a holiday, the second week into January I planned on coming back but I had a rough time in my personal life dealing with some bad news and I ended up taking another week off. I meant to update you all on here but I was very distracted :( Apologies for that but I have an update for you all with what is happening!

I've started a new commission and this was in with characters from the game Smite, the two ladies are Aphrodite and Discordia. As there aren't models online for these two characters I need to head hack their heads onto a nude body and then split up their outfits and weight paint/ fit them to the nude bodies so they all move together. If you remember me doing this for the first time with the Texas Chainsaw Massacre game images you'll know my first attempt was pretty bad so I wanted to make sure I did these ones properly! I found a tutorial on how to do it and took my time with it compared to my first attempt and it worked :D

- The first two images are a close up of the Aphrodite model I've put together.

- The third and fourth images a fully body-clothed and nude of Aphrodite although I forgot to add a choker around her neck.

- The fifth image is split in half and on the left it shows what the model first looked like when I spliced the Aphrodite head model onto the nude model I had and you can see a very sharp line around her neck where the textures don't blend at all and her overall skin tone isn't matching her face at all. On the right of the image are the changes I made to the skin texture and blending the face and body texture so there isn't an obvious seam between the two textures.

- The sixth image is what Discordia will look like but I haven't prepared her model yet :)

- The seventh and eighth images are the two positions these two ladies will be in and there is also going to be a very short intro of them kissing ^_^

- The ninth image is what I'm thinking of characters in the next DBD project. (Felix Richter, Feng Min and Vittorio Toscano)

- Finally the tenth image is the position I am thinking of for this DBD project :D

In regards to the DBD project I want it to be an animation but I don't see myself getting it finished before the month ends so I may get a few images done before so you can all see it and then finish the animation after.

That's all from me for now and sorry again about the delayed update but things are getting back on track now :)




Just glad ur back!!


Not going to lie Xeno… I was starting to worry about you. Lol

Xeno Lovers

I'm so sorry for making you worry :( I am doing better it was just life throwing a big old punch at me. I needed time away but I should of done an update sooner letting everyone know :)