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Hey everyone!

Sorry about the lack of update last week I've still been pushing the Meg and Trapper project as much as I can to get it finished this month and I've been having a lot of technical issues :(

All the audio work is done for it though and by the end of the day today all the scenes for Meg's second and third outfit will be rendered. All that's left now is the dress outfit which hopefully won't be causing too much hassle but the plan is still to get it out this month!!

I hope all of you have been well and wishing you all a lovely weekend <3



hii xeno! hope you have good holidays :D


Sure it´s gonna be great animation. Have a good christmas holidays, Xeno!!

Xeno Lovers

I hope everyone likes it :D certainty been a big project to do whilst trying to learn Blender at the same time D: I hope you have a great Christmas holiday as well! ^_^