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Hi everyone! I hope you are all doing okay? ^_^

As you already know the Jill x Xeno animation came out this week and for those who watched will have noticed the two extra camera angles that I never showed during these updates. Those two shots weren't planned but the rendering went quicker than I thought for a 4k version so I thought about what else I could add with the extra time I had :D For those who did watch it I hope you enjoyed it!

The commission animation has had a lot more progress and there is a new scene to show you all! What you see is the basic premise of the looping animation but there will be more unique animations added to it to mix it up and the two images after the GIF above are showing the pose with the two other outfits. There has been a lot of issues using Meg's dress skirt in these animation segments but I'm going to edit the texture so it looks like it's ripped, with that I will then add the skirt back in so we don't have this sudden end to Meg's dress outfit but it also isn't as complicated to work around :)

Now I've mentioned for awhile I've been working on some TCM (Texas Chainsaw Massacre) images and it's been tricky to squeeze in time to work on it while I was working on the commission and Xenomorph animation but with the Xeno project finished I'm going to work on these TCM images and also another set of DBD images before I start the next animation. I still need to build the environment, pose the faces of Johnny/ Julie and adding partial clothing before I show the final images for this TCM set, but as a little teaser to show off the poses I had the idea of creating a silhouette showing off each position. The proper images will be lit in a normal way most likely daytime or dusk and will have several different camera angles for each pose. I've attached the silhouette images for anyone to download and keep :D

For the set of DBD images I don't have anything to show yet as it's still in the brainstorming phase but it will be similar to the TCM set where it will be 3 poses with several different camera angles.

That's everything from me for this week but I hope you've all had a lovely week so far and wishing you all a glorious and chilled weekend <3




I am going to be absolutely FERAL for the Johnny animation 🤤

Xeno Lovers

Sadly this won't be an animation but a set of images :( I would love to do an animation with him on day though.


Amazing!!! Meg having different skins make it SuperB!!! 🔥🔥🔥👩🏻‍🦰💯