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Hello all you beautiful people <3

Some new stuff to show off this week so lets get right into it! Starting off I've got some images to show you of the scene the Jill x Xeno animation will be taking place in and in the first image you can see a normal shaded view and next to it a wireframe view. I've been modelling this environment myself and I've wanted to keep a similar layout to the original animation which you can see in the second image but I've been adding a lot more detail to make it look much better :D There arent any textures applied yet as I'm still modelling some parts of it but the main bulk is there and depending on where the cameras will be looking I may model some extra detail in areas or add extra clutter around the floor. I managed to get a lot done but not as much as I originally wanted as I had some stuff I needed to take care of the past two days so I couldn't work on it sadly D:

Next week I plan on having the model exported into Blender and with textures applied to everything. My vision is to have a planet (most likely Earth) visible outside the window and with a little intro sequence I want to make I also plan on modelling the exterior of the space station but modelling that will be later down the line as it's not super important just yet.

Onto the commission it's still in the preparation phase as there is a lot to do but the main bulk was getting the 2nd and 3rd Meg outfits working in Blender where I learned about a modifier in Blender called Shrinkwrap and it has been a game changer! It basically shrinks or grows a mesh towards or against another model you choose so it works very well for applying different clothing. There is some tidying up to do afterwards and I have to do some weight painting on the clothing so it moves well with the nude body but it is 10x better than the way I had to do this in SFM although the learning process for it did take me awhile.

There is still a tiny amount to do on Meg's second outfit where I will be adding ripped section to her trousers similar to her third outfit and speaking of the third outfit I am also working on her hair texture a bit more as it looks way too shiny. I still need to add the jiggles to her boobs and butt so that can be used later on but next week I should be onto posing her in some of these scenes and seeing how all that looks :D

I hope you like what you see so far and hopefully you've all had a great week so far! Wishing you all a lovely weekend <3



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