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Hey everyone!

I've got a short update for you this week as the majority of work was rendering the animation at 4k, fixing issues I spotted or changing things I didn't like and rendering at 4k again. Everything has been rendered now though and I'm pretty happy with it so in theory I shouldn't need to render it again but I'm about halfway through doing the sound work and we are looking good for the animation coming out next week!! The little GIF above is just how the transition happens between each camera shot.

Also as a little thing to show you as there isn't much to see different from last week but the way I resolved the collision issues with the cloth physics on Meg's top and her hair was removing the cloth collisions using her body model as a collision object and instead creating these blobby meshes that I would edit to roughly match the areas I would want collision to happen which you can see in the second image. The problem was the program was trying super hard to calculate collisions on a complicated mesh with Meg as well as the leather chair she is on and quite often when the hair would touch the chair or Meg's body it would fling off randomly and so with the chair I also added a big white rectangle to act as the collisions. I was skeptical when I saw the solution was to create these blob meshes but it worked almost immediately :D

I've got a lot more confidence in using cloth physics now after finally working out jiggles last week and now finding out about the better way of working out collisions :)

Once this animation is done though there will be a new commission starting (I've delayed starting it for a bit because of personal reasons) but also I will looking at starting a new short animation as someone sent me a message with a great idea of re-creating my very first animation! I usually wouldn't do something like this but as it was my very first animation I think it would be cool to see something I produce now alongside my first animation ever.

Hope you've all had a great week! Won't be long now till the animation is available for you all! Wishing you all a fantastic weekend <3




It looks so polished now!! The blobs r saviours fr ✨ and the jiggles r so satisfying to watch :0