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Hello once again all you lovely legends on here :D

I've got 4 GIFs to show you this week of the first two sex scenes in the commission animation, The first two GIFs are of the standing scene and it shows a cloaked and not cloaked version of Wraith. The speed of this one is going to change where every 5 seconds Wraith will get faster over the course of the 30 second scene, also there is very little facial animation going on right now as I will be animating that when I have the audio from the voice actress for each scene.

The third and fourth GIF is the second sex scene with Wraith doing Yui from behind and this one was done with Wraith getting faster every 10 seconds but this is also changing to him getting faster every 5 seconds instead. For both the scenes you are seeing in these GIFs I plan on adding more unique animations of the characters looking around or changing their pose slightly to make things feel a bit more realistic but I am getting the main speed and loop of the animation perfected before I work on those smaller details. I've tweaked some small details for the bike and helmet texture where I have added in pink/ purple colours to match in with Yui's outfit.

I have two images to show you all as well with the first being what the BJ pose is looking like and you can see a cloaked and non cloaked version there but this scene won't be animated anytime soon as Yui will be saying stuff before she begins going down on Wraith's ding dong and I will need the VA audio before I can do that. As it turns out the VA will be doing dirty talk throughout all these scenes so that's going to be pretty cool :D but I'm dreading having to try and lip sync all of this!

The last image is showing the lighting changes I made to the very first scene to match with the lighting in all the other scenes but it's also showing off the new hair for Yui! I spent quite a while trying to get this to look nice and it's not perfect but I have found a way of creating really soft looking hair which also casts fairly good shadows, before it was a issue where you could have soft looking hair but it wouldn't cast shadows or you would have very rough/ sharp looking hair that would cast shadows. This method has some issues where it doesn't 100% accurately cast the hair shadow but it's pretty close and I love how it looks! I've applied this to all the previous scenes so you can see the effects of it in all the GIFs and BJ image above.

That's all from me for this week but make sure you all vote in the Killer and Survivor character poll!! I will be starting that animation next week in Blender :D

With all of that said I hope you have all had a lovely week and I'm wishing you all a great weekend :) <3




It looks so good already😩💗


This will be a Triple AAA


omg I have never seen anything like this and it looks AMAZING!! My mind is blown once again by your ingenuity. Wizardy!!

Xeno Lovers (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-22 12:52:16 Thank you so much for the kind words &lt;3 I'm excited to release this one when it's done :D
2023-05-15 08:35:25 Thank you so much for the kind words <3 I'm excited to release this one when it's done :D

Thank you so much for the kind words <3 I'm excited to release this one when it's done :D