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Hello everyone! <3

First off I want to apologise for not having a weekly update last week but the situation here got far worse and I was dealing with another death. So I just straight up took a break from everything and had to process the pure emotional hellstorm I was in. Stress and anxiety completely kicked my butt and I even went to the doctors as my heart kept beating to extreme levels and that kept happening over the course of 4 days. Things are a lot better now though and I am doing a lot of mental well being and today has been pretty good :)

Even with all that I did get some more work but for obvious reasons not a lot but it was a good distraction for my mind getting lost in my work again :) So for the commission animation I've got 3 GIFs to show you all which show a more refined missionary position where Jill and Wesker kiss and also when Wesker does his climax. The very last GIF is the up close camera shot of when Wesker pulls out. There may be some slight tweaks if I spot any but in terms of the animation it is completely animated now! All I've got to do now is the audio work which I'm going to try my best and get it finished before the month ends (Not a lot of time but when it comes to audio work it's a lot faster to do than the actual animating) I hope you like how that animation is looking though :)

Now for the short animation with Leon and Myers the animation is completely done and so is the sound work! I've sent it to a close friend first just to get a final opinion on it but I will be uploading it on here today! For what projects are coming up next I'm not sure yet as I need to contact the people who where next in line if they are still interested, with the personal stuff going on with me I had to delay a lot of stuff. Whatever the next project is though I am going to make sure I record myself working from the beginning so all you amazing people on here can see some more behind the scenes stuff :D

I want to thank everyone so much for your lovely messages <3 I feel bad for not replying but like I said above I completely cut myself off from work and focused on my mental well being for awhile but it meant the world to me seeing what you legends had said <3

I hope everyone has been staying safe and keeping well over the past two weeks <3 wishing you all an amazing weekend as well! :)




I'm so sorry to hear that life has kept throwing challenges at you. You deserve a rest, so hopefully this reprieve can continue for some time. Thank you for taking time to focus on you, and for paying attention to your physical health. 🙏 I think it goes without saying, but knowing you're okay is far more important than a weekly update. 🖤💕 Lots of love your way.


Take care of yourself Xeno, wish you all the best


Looking good 👀. Dont stress on our account, alright?


I'm so, so sorry that you have to go through this...

Xeno Lovers

Thank you! don't worry I won't be :D I like to set myself targets of what I want to get done but i'm not going to work extreme hours in the evening just to hit them if i'm falling behind.

Xeno Lovers

Thank you :D I had a very chill weekend so i'm feeling good! Hope you are doing okay?

Xeno Lovers

It's been very rough and just seemed like one bad thing was happening after another. Things are looking good now but there is a big part of me that is paranoid that something else is going to suddenly happen. I can't be letting thoughts like that plague my mind though as I will only sink into a depression. Blocking out the world and listening to some of my favourite songs is always a good one for me :D Thank you so much for the lovely words though &lt;3 I do enjoy doing this work a lot so I don't feel like i'm forcing myself to do it right now but if need be i'll take more breaks or some time off if things get too rough.


I know, yet still... Take cars of yourself. Please


Definitely don't let that paranoia and fear consume you. Just keep doing your thing. You've got this.