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Hello once again all you amazing people on here! <3  

Hope you've all had a good week so far? I've been cracking on with a lot of juicy stuff so lets get right into it!  

Starting off I've got two GIF's for the new commission with lovely Jill and Wesker! This one has been a lot of fun to work on as it's going to involve some stuff I've never animated before and also stuff that i've wanted to improve my skill at animating (One of the things being kissing). We've got a lot of kissing in this first scene and in the second half of the first scene we have got some lovely breast massaging going on :D This animation has 3 different positions with each one being 40 seconds long. I've animated 26 seconds so far but all the movement is pretty unique so it takes a fair bit longer to get it looking nice :) For what comes next in this commission you will just have to wait and see ;)  

Now onto the Huntress and Pyramid Head animation! This one is basically finished animation wise and the 3 GIFs you see is the entire animation (About 23 seconds). It's going to look mostly the same as last week but there has been a lot of smaller tweaks to it either by adding small motion to Huntress's foot and Pyramid Head's fingers, some more movement to Huntress's and Pyramid Head's bodies so they move and look around a bit more giving it a bit more of a natural look. The camera has a little sway to it to match with Pyramid Head's thrusts, facial expressions for Huntress and a bit of cloth movement for the back of her head piece.  

So for this short animation all I need to do now is render it off at full resolution and then work on all the sounds :D We are looking pretty good for this animation to be out next week!

I need to have another look at how to create better GIFs because i'm pretty sure they are playing slower than they should.  

That's all from me this week though I hope you like what you can see :) Wishing you all a glorious evening and an even better weekend! <3



Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-02 12:35:54 OMG 💗 A kisssing scene?? No wayyyyy!! Whoever commissioned that is a person of impeccable taste &gt;x&lt; And that seems so challenging to animate! The mood is definitely captured in my opinion :D gosh i just can't believe how good these are and they aren't even the final product yet :0 you're spoiling us rotten fr! I hope you have a great weekend too 🌸
2023-01-13 16:45:12 OMG 💗 A kisssing scene?? No wayyyyy!! Whoever commissioned that is a person of impeccable taste >x< And that seems so challenging to animate! The mood is definitely captured in my opinion :D gosh i just can't believe how good these are and they aren't even the final product yet :0 you're spoiling us rotten fr! I hope you have a great weekend too 🌸

OMG 💗 A kisssing scene?? No wayyyyy!! Whoever commissioned that is a person of impeccable taste >x< And that seems so challenging to animate! The mood is definitely captured in my opinion :D gosh i just can't believe how good these are and they aren't even the final product yet :0 you're spoiling us rotten fr! I hope you have a great weekend too 🌸


Omg someone has the same brain as me! Intimate moments with Wesker 😍😍😍

Xeno Lovers (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-02 12:35:57 I love the concept on this animation! I'm a big fan of the wholesome and more romantic pieces the lovely person who commissioned me has amazing tastes with this one! ^_^ Yupp it is very challenging animating people kissing so i'm glad I'm getting some more practice with it. Whole theme is to be romantic and intimate so I'm super happy that comes across well :D You've said such lovely things! thank you so much! &lt;3 You've already made my day so the weekend is starting off great! Hope you have a lovely weekend too :)
2023-01-14 07:47:10 I love the concept on this animation! I'm a big fan of the wholesome and more romantic pieces the lovely person who commissioned me has amazing tastes with this one! ^_^ Yupp it is very challenging animating people kissing so i'm glad I'm getting some more practice with it. Whole theme is to be romantic and intimate so I'm super happy that comes across well :D You've said such lovely things! thank you so much! <3 You've already made my day so the weekend is starting off great! Hope you have a lovely weekend too :)

I love the concept on this animation! I'm a big fan of the wholesome and more romantic pieces the lovely person who commissioned me has amazing tastes with this one! ^_^ Yupp it is very challenging animating people kissing so i'm glad I'm getting some more practice with it. Whole theme is to be romantic and intimate so I'm super happy that comes across well :D You've said such lovely things! thank you so much! <3 You've already made my day so the weekend is starting off great! Hope you have a lovely weekend too :)

Xeno Lovers

The person who commissioned me has great ideas for this one! The whole animation is going to be very intimate so you've got more good things to come!