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Hello to all you amazing people on here!!

Hope you have all had a great week :) I'm starting to feel a lot better even though I'm still coughing a lot but that is looking like it's starting to fade away.

First things first a lot of progress has been made on the commission animation! I'd say it's 90% animated and the last thing to do on it is adding and animating the goopy fluids (the 3rd gif of Dwight and Laurie is the climax scene).

The second gif is something i'm happy to show off as it took a bit of tinkering with the model by first off editing the model so the shirt is split in the middle and then adding extra bones/ skinning the mesh of the model to those bones so I could animate the shirt opening. It's not perfect but it works very well for this :D
As you can see with the thrusts from Dwight the shirt slowly starts to come apart until it bursts open freeing the boobs!

Once the goopy fluids have been added and animated this one will be off rendering at 4k and then it's onto the sound work!

Now onto the second part of animation progress the crazy foursome animation!

This one has been tricky to work on as there are so many moving parts to consider to the way I approached this one was by animating Mikaela first and then animating everyone else to respond to her movements. There was still some tweaking afterwards to make it flow a little better between certain characters but overall this worked quite well.

The first scene isn't finished yet as you'll notice that facial animations and some of the characters hands/ fingers haven't been animated yet but the main bulk is done and I'm pretty pleased with how it's looking I hope you all think the same :) Some other small bits are Leon's and Steve's heads don't move at all and the sides of Mikaela's hair still needs some motion to it.

One thing going into this that I realised was I was doing another animation of the lady riding on top of someone as the last time I did this was the Susie and Doctor animation which I always wanted to attempt again as I wasn't super happy with the final result of Susie's motion on top of the Doctor. I think this time around it's looking a lot better.

I'll be refining this scene a lot more next week and if nothing goes wrong I should be starting the next scene as well! :D

Once again I hope you all had a great week and an even better weekend!!! Thanks to you all for supporting me on here and I hope you like what you've seen of these animations so far!




Good that you are feeling better! Have a nice weekend!

Xeno Lovers

Thank you :D it's nice to be feeling better haha, you have a nice weekend as well!