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Hello all you glorious supporters on here!

Hope you have all had a fantastic week! I've been pretty ill but I'm a lot better now than how I was at the start of the week!

I've been resting more as I didn't want to over do it working while i'm ill but I have started on two new commission animations and i've got some images to show you here!

The first commission is with Daddy Myers and Laurie Strode, going for a creepy atmosphere and environment with this one, plan on having the light flickering a little and the environment is going to be developed a bit more with some paintings and more furniture as well as more debris on the floor. This animation has the position you can see in the image above as well as an additional position finishing off with a climax!

For the second commission we have got Kate Denson and the Trapper! Now with this animation there is going to be soft lighting which is something I have struggled with in the past and it's quite the contrast to how I do all the lighting in my previous animations. It can be a tricky thing to get right as the lighting is more even across the scene, it can come across as flat and nothing contrasts but I'm always up for the challenge! I'm pretty happy with how it's looking currently I think it has the effect of soft lighting on where we can see the action happening but I have created darker areas with the lighting around the edges of the image creating a natural vignette to your eyes are more drawn into the center of the image where the good stuff is!

In this animation there is the position you see above and then there are two more positions after as well as a climax scene! With this one the way the video plays out with also be different in that we will cut to different camera angles more frequently during the main animation loop opposed to how i've always done it before where we have a single camera for the whole loop and then we switch to another camera and watch the loop again. Depending on how this turns out I might use this way of editing the animation it a lot more in future.

That's all from me for this week :) Hope you all are feeling better than me and I hope you all have a great weekend! <3




My god I can't wait until these are finished! 🤤😍 I know these are commission pieces but I wonder how a maskless Trapper would look in one of these? 🤔

Xeno Lovers

I hope you like them when they are done! :D If I was to do a maskless trapper I need to add some bones into his face because his current model you can't move any facial features apart from his eyes. In terms of just removing his mask though that is simple :)