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Hello all you glorious patrons!

Not a lot happened this week as I was quite busy on 3 of the days but I have now done the final scene for the really long animation which I am going to render at 4k over the weekend and scrub through it all to see any errors or anything that could be improved and then it's onto sound work on it. There are four images for this final scene above and the plan with the final one where we are looking out the window is the screen fades to a yellow/white colour and the animation comes to an end :)

I do have two extra images on here from where i've been messing around in Blender! So in terms of building the environment, texturing and doing lighting I have grasped it quite quickly and i'm pretty comfortable with how to do it. The set up to get characters and the environment in is actually a lot faster than what it would be for when I have done it in SFM.

Sadly there isn't much to show off on it right now and the progress will be slow on it for awhile, main reason is I'm trying to get IK rigs working on the character models to make animating a lot easier than just rotating each bone (I use IK rigs in SFM as well), so far though it has not gone well with creating these IK rigs for the models in Blender so i'm taking one day out of my work week to work on this issue! I think I will be swapping Blight out of this animation for another male killer though as he as a crooked body which will be trickier to try and get a IK rig working so considering i'm learning how to do it from scratch I will go with a standard more humanoid character.

The next animation isn't going to be the Blight x Amanda one now but someone has approached me for a commission which I have accepted :) Work on this will most likely start next week i'm just sorting out stuff on my end first, so keep an eye out next week for the first teasers of what is happening there!

I hope you all have had a good week and i'm wishing you for a even better weekend! <3




Awesome, looking forward to this one


Ohh, I'm looking forward to what kind of commission that's going to be~ Keep up the good work!~

Xeno Lovers

So the sad part with this one is when I finish it which is highly likely to be this month I won't be releasing it till I've gotten the final payment from the client which could still be a couple months from now :(


Ahhh, I'm exciteeeed! 😬


That’s all good, hopefully you’ll be able to get it soon