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Hello all you glorious people on here!!

Another week has gone by and more progress to show to you all! This animation is getting very close to being fully animated now only 3 more scenes to go! I've been tweaking lighting further in all the shots and went back and tweaked a few little animations I wasn't happy with.

The trickiest thing things week was the transition between oral to missonary, I restarted it twice because it wasn't looking right at all but on the third attempt I was pretty happy with it. I'm looking into some more animation tutorials though as i've been finding it a bit tricky just to try and pick up some new tips or techniques.

Sorry to everyone who have been waiting patiently for this one to come out and it's still got a ways to go, i'm not sure if everyone knows but I only work on this 2-3 days a week and than the other two I work on a patreon animation so the projects take longer but I have more coming out if that makes sense.

I hope you like what you see and i'll have more for you next week! 



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