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Hello to all you lovely people <3

I've got three juicy images to show you all of the Missionary position and I love the first one! This was a tricky one to pose because like the doggystyle position I wanted to do something a bit different to what I've done before. I was testing on the sofa or the floor but went for the table in the end and even then it was tricky because of the height difference between Sable and Ghostface but I got there in the end and I hope you all like how it's looking :) As you can see above the Missionary pose will have 3 camera angles, Ghostface POV, Sable POV and a angled view from further away.

I've also been finishing the Doggystyle scene which is 100% finished now! I may spot some things that need fixing, but we should be good! I've got some GIFs above showing on the final version and it's mainly the added cloth movement on her shirt, fixed cloth for the skirt, subtle movement for her body and face and animating the lights from the TV to change brightness and colour slightly. I also rendered out the nude version so you can have a cheeky look at how that looks :)

Also, I have a date for my procedure now and it's the 22nd of July so on that week I'll be taking I think 2 days off for the procedure and recovery :D

I hope you have all had a lovely week so far and I'm wishing you all a lovely weekend <3




It's perfect it's just 🤌🤌


Love it!!!