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Hey everyone :)

So as the title says I'm going to take a little break for a week or maybe 2 weeks just to regain some energy after all the hospital stuff and getting these two projects done as it's left me a bit burnt out.

I've got some plans though on how I create the content in the future as the last two DBD animations have turned out how I wanted them to I feel like I'm not being as creative in the animations and I want to start adding little intros again be it a camera moving into the shot revealing the scene or a little bit of an intro two the characters in the scene and them getting into whatever position they will be in, maybe some more animation of when the penetration first happens rather than it immediately being the full motion. I also want to add more endings to the animations with a climax rather than them suddenly ending with a fade to black or something to give the animation an ending feel at least.

Anyway I hope you are all doing well and hopefully your week is going great so far <3



Have a lovely break and I hope you can recharge your batteries! It’s probably much needed! Lots of love and Huggies to you! <3

Xeno Lovers

Thank youuuu :) <3 It is indeed! although I am looking forward to coming back with my new plan for animations :D

Nikolai Riddman

That's a very great idea, i think ideal kinda animation so far was Meg x Trapper (in three costume variations) it had everything for the starters as mentioned - beginning, ending

Xeno Lovers

Exactly! That animation and the Skull Merchant one are what I want to start doing again.