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Sorry everyone but there won't be a weekly update this week as I've spent the last day in the hospital and have only just been released in the past hour. Most of the day I've been in and out of sleeping and having tests done it started last Saturday when I was having constant toothache on several teeth and then yesterday the right side of my face swelled up quite a lot! I'm doing okay though even though my face is still swollen but I've got a 5 day course of anti biotics so hopefully it will start to go down :)

I'm pretty gutted because I wanted to get lots done on the Dredge and Sable project but I will spend some extra time next week on that.

I hope everyone is doing okay though and please take care of yourselves <3 Wishing you all a wonderful weekend :D



Get better \(._.)/


Didn't read this! Take all the time in the world man! Get well soon!