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Hello hello!! :D

Smite Project

I've got one GIF for you of the final scene of the Smite animation showing off the oral position but there is still a climax scene to be added to this :D Two major things that need to be added which will make it look nicer overall are the hair physics on both ladies and also what I did in the previous scene with the blankets moving with their movements. I also tweaked the lighting from when you last saw it as it was looking quite flat, the new lighting gives it more direction and some nicer shadows are cast.

DBD Project

Now I've been making some nice progress on the DBD animation :) things this week have still been a bit slower as I'm still recovering from what happened last week but I'm pretty happy with what I've got so far :D

The GIF of Dredge is showing off how I've managed to tackle the smoke creation on his body. I tried a couple of methods of doing it the first was using Blender's smoke simulation tools but it didn't give me the desired look I was after, the render time was extremely long and I couldn't achieve a thick dark smoke texture from it.

So I scrapped that and looked at using a particle system that would spawn flat 2d planes with a smoke texture on it which is what you can see in the GIF, I'm pretty happy with the result and it's looking close enough to what it's like in the game but one thing I plan on is slowing down the movement of the smoke. 

Another thing I tried doing was having it so the 2d smoke planes would start small, grow bigger and then shrink again but I haven't been able to work out how to do that with the particle system yet. I did try and use an animated texture of smoke appearing and disappearing but each smoke plane would do it at the same time so Dredge's entire smoke body would appear and disappear on top of the rendering time also going to silly levels.

There are things I would still like to change from what you see in the GIF but if I can't do it or the render times become way too long I'm happy with keeping it how you see it here apart from slowing it down more.

Creating Sable's nude model has been an adventure! I tried a new technique for getting her head on a nude body called Face Wrapping which has produced an amazing result but holy heck was it a long and tedious task to do. I used a nude model of Jill and by using a program called "Wrap" I could make Jill's face model morph into Sable's face, I would then export the morphed Jill model back into Blender and tidy up a lot of the geometry and further sculpt the face to match Sable's. Once that was done I went about editing the textures of the Jill model to match Sable's model (The eye shadow make up stuff was the bane of my existence!)

I wanted to have her outfit done as well but what I spoke about above was such a long process that I ran out of time so I will be getting that done next week as well as adding Dredge's dong and setting up his alternative outfit.

I was going to do three Dredge outfits alongside a clothed Sable and Nude Sable but in doing that I would need to render the entire animation 6 times! This is a bit crazy time-wise and something I could still do but release some of the alternative versions later down the line which leads me to a question for all of you ^_^

What outfit would you like to see as the alternative one for Dredge? I was thinking of either the Anniversary one or the Greek Legends one. I will set it up as a poll for everyone to vote on one :D maybe the second most-voted one can be added later on as well!

That's all from me for now! I hope you all like what you see and hopefully you all had a lovely week :) Wishing you all a lovely weekend as well <3




Omg Sable <3


Would you think of doing an animation with Sable clothed? Don't know if it would be too hard though! Mainly with that cute outfit lol

Xeno Lovers

Don't worry there will be a clothed and nude version! :D I've already got the outfit picked. It's the short skirt from her paid outfit and a recolour of one of her default torso pieces.