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Hey everyone!

I've got two GIFs showing off the Smite project again and it's gone through a few variations where we were testing different things but I have added the bed blanket movement, worked on the butt jiggles more, added a ripple effect to the butt (it's very quick so I may slow it done so it's more noticeable), added facial animations and overall worked on the animation more to make things smoother and fixing small issues.

The bed was a tricky one to move and I tried several different methods but in the end, adding bones and weight-painting parts of the blanket to those bones and I would then make those bones follow certain body parts. I also thought I had fixed the hair gloss issue but it's still there! I believe I have fixed it now though but it's updated in the GIFs above.

There are a few very minor tweaks I still want to make but this scene is almost finished! there are still two more to do for this project :)

For the DBD project, I don't have anything to show right now sadly as another one of my partner's pets sadly passed away and it came out of nowhere. I was taken aback by how sudden it was and didn't work on the DBD project as much for that reason. Hopefully, I will have some images to show off next week :)

Also, the nude version of the Feng Three-way animation will be uploaded tonight I didn't realise but the black fadeout screen is wall smaller than it should be so I had to re-render the video and I didn't realise this was also the case for the non-nude version so I will be updating those posts with a new video that fixes the issue.

I hope you have all had a great week and hoping you all have a lovely weekend <3 




I'm sorry for your partners passing. I hope you both grieve in peace. ❤ 🤍 💙


I know how it feels to lose something like that I hope both you and your partner take the time y’all need

Xeno Lovers

Thank you <3 We've been taking some time but I'm balancing it out with working on projects on here :) I don't want things to come to a halt