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So, I've had guy friends go missing or block me from severe fights with their partners over light-hearted conversations and jokes. As someone who's mulled over years of therapy, I wanted to rationalize these ruptures in friendships because oftentimes, these can become a safe space for toxicity and grudges to fester.

I dug deep into internalized misogyny and found myself manifesting it myself. Often times when losing a friend to empty-headed arguments, I've been inclined to blame their partners and their shortcomings, insecurities, and irrational jealousy instead of both their collective mishandling.

This, of course, led me into reading up on internalized misogyny and forms of sexism that set everyone back. I found horrifying research and wanted to make an infographic that touches base on the issue instead of ripping apart my friends and their partners' upbringing, humanity, and life choices.

As much as I would love to educate ex-friends and their partners into being better at just being decent human beings, I'm not responsible for the trauma, toxicity, and demeaning things they condone now that they've chosen to rupture that friendship. I only hope that you hold yourself and the people close to you to a higher standard and educate them on the harm it inflicts on others and inadvertently, themselves.

IRL examples of internalized misogyny:
-competitively commenting on other women's bodies, style, and make-up (empowerment comes in all shapes and sizes. Stop brain-dead commentary on how you think someone is too skinny, too chubby, too muscly, too "girly", etc.)
-the rise of the pickmegirl
-blaming women for men's actions or isolating them and blaming them for a collective wrong
-blaming hot tub streamers for causing men viewers to come to other womens' streams to ask for the same content (blame the men; not the women who want to reclaim their bodies that men have profitted off of for years)
-belittling of women's success

Read more about internalized misogyny:



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