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Hey guys, sorry been quiet, was trying to get the Mortal Kumbat video finished by the end of the month.. not happening XD BUT it is almost finished so not all bad so that'll be ready for May release :D Had a covid vac which knocked me out for a couple days too having just recovered from it too so that didn't help, but at least some of the symptoms I had left over are settling down.

Anyhow, normally I do 12 4k pic packs, was thinking of doing more shorter packs and doing 2x 6/8 packs instead to mix it up a bit like I used to do. But just scratching my head over pairings, so figured I'd check with you guys so I can get an idea over what boys you wanna see more of. At risk of the top three being 1. Dante 2. Piers 3. Samuel cast your thoughts below and I'll see what inspiration hits! 

Got something specific in mind? feel free to comment or IM me :)


Ryan Fox

Cal would be great. And Leon

tanner todd

Nemesis and Mr X 😏😈