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My reality-challenged Gardevoir Edith: https://imgur.com/a/blLi7mO


I would love to see my OC Trisha Rose in your art style! https://www.deviantart.com/bluelighthouse23/art/Trisha-on-the-bar-760270425


I went a little overboard lol, here's the characters I'd like to see! they're roughly ordered by my desire for them to be drawn haha. If no nsfw bits are shown then assume that they have male parts please! Let me know at any time if you have any questions! 1 Judas: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1HjRI4ScbLK9nEdeZWZwqGFZzhY8f4SUl?usp=sharing 2 Azazel (the blue one, the first one is their regular form while the next one is them as a pokemon): https://toyhou.se/6982357.azazel#30322639 https://toyhou.se/6982357.azazel#25903388 3 Jaycee Penny (panda form): https://toyhou.se/10667876.jaycee-penny#33586915 4 Abel: https://toyhou.se/7608054.abel#24674505 5 Ike: https://toyhou.se/7500991.ike/gallery#25758095 6 Seth: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/750392983886495806/891828237506850826/adopt_4.png 7 Caine: https://toyhou.se/10667626.caine#33586519 8 Relo: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/16rMesYm_GWaKRbAsWOXVV0rI6Cqv6Fpj?usp=sharing 9 Percy: https://toyhou.se/10667556.percy#33585982 10 Samuel: https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/26999274_6dADPvslNRbpUjf.png


Oooo had no idea these were a thing 👀 Geferon: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1xoiVdvdGWf2SyOhxusAqJ_qiMyXY18sQ&authuser=geferon38%40gmail.com&usp=drive_fs Fem gef: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1orOjvQOxgvHx55CLwK-TE0yNTVEYQzOj&authuser=geferon38%40gmail.com&usp=drive_fs Demon gef: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1UkDAyKpD5MlGvs9dYzctUJY_lxI4vCWq&authuser=geferon38%40gmail.com&usp=drive_fs


I don't have any OCs of my own and I don't know if this counts for characters from shows, but I love your Aggretsuko stuff! I'd personally love to see Tsunoda and Komiya! Or Sawyer from Cats Don't Dance, I love your kitties.


yo sick! These are all Ike - im super not picky about anatomy or anything :) https://lizardti.me/ike/full_nsfw/yVY_CVrg.jpg https://lizardti.me/ike/full_nsfw/ikewingit.png https://lizardti.me/ike/full_nsfw/WWEloFVwhMU.jpg https://lizardti.me/ike/full/20200515_224301.jpg Twitter handle is @/yummy_cummies for posting! Thank you!

Ava Maple

Ty for the opportunity! My twitter’s @/jojofan42069. Here’s my slime gal: https://imgur.com/a/Tk7eTGI A flareon: https://imgur.com/a/cEPVr1j. And a few others: https://imgur.com/a/lDpN46f


Awesome possum https://imgur.com/a/QJnVrKq twitter is @/Lurawri


https://imgur.com/a/5GVJaXd I'mma throw in all my fanta flavors and other silly characters :3


https://imgur.com/a/81TyG76 my bat and cow with my FA being EvilEnchantress99


My cat wife: Genevieve :) https://imgur.com/a/rwyi0ht