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Josh from Dancing with Ghosts joins again to discuss and review Sexually Frank and Having Fun Up There, Frankie's 3rd and 4th feature films -- everything from camera work to location scouting and casting. Frankie and EJ review Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mutant Mayhem and Ahsoka episodes 3 and 4.

Watch the video! https://youtu.be/5bLY9Phtw_8




Awesome! Thanks for doing content with folks like Josh. It's helped me to discover more content creators I like.


Great episode! I really enjoyed Josh's perspective as a musician. It is always nice to hear people working in creative fields talk with you guys. As a note on Ahsoka and Dave Filoni, I would really recommend giving the 2003 2D animated Clone Wars cartoon a watch. It came well before Filoni's CG Clone Wars and provides a very different Prequel oriented story with some amazing animation and visual storytelling.


I would also heavily recommend checking out this YouTubers series on the Star Wars prequels. While a long watch, I really valued hearing his perspective on them and it really changed my outlook on those movies. Here is a link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqnjzVX8EKA


You guys rule! Also love that you guys are in mass. I miss it so much! I’m getting blasted with heat in Austin these days


This is the only patreon I've ever signed up for and it's because of the red cow arcade clip you just posted a couple hours ago with dancing with Ghost I've been a fan of redcow and dancing with ghosts for months now and it's also that you guys started collaborating cuz I watched you both separately and never thought you would ever team up.