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Watch the video! https://youtu.be/LxTRi0AQzq0

Frankie's impressed by Gloria's kindergarten, EJ's gotten yet more use out of his Analogue Pocket, the Andor pocket put them both to sleep, Shatterhand for the NES is Batman meets Felix the Cat, Wolverine joins the MCU, EJ introduces the conspiracy theory of "scrapbooking," and Frankie calls the cops in a Holiday Inn.




Galadriel is around 2000 years older than Elrond. Is he also portrayed as a teenager?


Random question you might not know the answer to: I have a super console x pro, and my save files on Ocarina of Time get corrupted (or something) and just won't load. It's not every time, but enough that I can't play through properly. Do you happen to know what might be causing this? Maybe I need to buy a better sd card and clone everything over?