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Morty learns that it may be too late to reduce and reuse after he falls in love with an environmental superhero. Meanwhile elsewhere, Rick and Summer go on an apocalypse bar crawl.




Kishi bashi - I am the antichrist to you. FUCKING TUNE!!!!


Morty didn't lose his V card with Planetina, he did have quite a few confirmed and also some implied sexual partners, Gwendolyn (the sex bot he had a son with), the mermaid on atlantis, potentially Stacy and Jacqueline (the brunette and the redhead during the detoxifier episode), also during the mortys, mindblowers episode there is a vial that says "virginity" so morty has a deleted memory of that too, potentially either a very awkward one he wanted to forget or something worse, also given how many worlds and universes they visit there could be many more.