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The winners of the trivia contest have been notified. Y'all did amazing. Seriously. I'm *almost* done with edits for RATH (except for copy edits and all that), so that means I'm hoping next week I'll be back to posting chapters...while I edited my other YA book that's due. I am so very tired of my own words. I want to make you tired of my words!

Wait. What?

Sorry, I get real weird when I work long days.

In the mean time, here's a wee-est of snippets from RATH from Van's point of view between her, her ferrets, and Jim the Minotaur.

I wilted like a hothouse flower, suddenly feeling moderately stupid and excessively terrible. “He messaged me that he needed to talk to me, but I was so busy…” The last part rang false and we both heard it. I mean, I’d been busy, but seriously, I couldn’t manage a five minute phone call? What an asshole.

Kodo nudged my ear. Do we need to get the asshole tiaras?

We can go back home, Podo added. Jim would drive us, especially if we made him one. 

Jim’s not an asshole, Kodo pointed out.

We’ll make him a different kind of tiara, then.

That was Podo for you—ever the problem solver. I sighed. “I was busy being an emotionally unavailable dick.”

Jim patted my head with one meaty paw. “But you’re our emotionally unavailable dick.”

Happy weekend!





Damn it...now I want a tiara (but not an asshole tiara, LOL)!


I have a tiara a writer friend made me so I can be Queen of the Fishwives. She wired a plastic octopus to a tiara and spray painted the whole thing.


Now THAT'S a keeper of a friend!