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This is the book Sam talks about in the beginning of this chapter. I cannot tell you how many times I checked it out of my school library. I reread it so many times, even when the stories bummed me out. (I'm looking at you, Cerberus.)

I was going to make the chapter title a lyric from a song by Styx because of course I was, but then I realized that the song I'm on a Boat was just a much better fit. That video still makes me laugh--just FYI, it's NSFW. This song also gets stuck in my head every single time I'm on the ferry.

Enjoy the underworld!





Er, somehow I can't quite put together a Charon in a straw boater and suspenders with *that* song... ;) Admittedly, I'd have thought of Chris de Burgh's "Don't Pay the Ferryman" for that, which is also a mismatch.


It might help if you connect that last chapter title song Paper Moon the Charon, because that one fits him. I'm on a Boat is all Sam and team.