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In lieu of a TBR post this week, I thought I'd do a snippet. Mostly because I'm trying realllllly hard to not panick about my current work load. Two novels in my lap to edit at the same time. Looking for a new agent. Drafting BTLN for here. Working on my next YA to (hopefully) sell soon because it would be really awesome if someone paid me. 

Plus all the stuff I have to handle at home, like the last minute visit to the vet we had to book this morning because we found a puncture on Athena's jaw last night. Fingers crossed that they just give her antibiotics.

Anyway, I've been getting a lot of practice in this week on diverting my anxiety so I GUESS THAT'S GREAT. (It is not.)

So, snippets are fun and don't add to my work load, so that's what you're getting this week and I'm hoping you will all see it as a fun thing. I do have some fun news--I've been chatting back and forth with my cover designer and looking at her mock ups in the last two weeks so I'll be able to post the cover for Rough Around the Hedges soon! Yaaaay! Spoiler alert--it's absolutely adorable. I can't wait to show you.

Anyway, here's a little Snippet from Van's POV from RATH. (Reminder--this is still being edited, so you might catch some goofs.)



I stared up at the brick edifice of the magical theory wing of Seattle Uncanny University. The building faced an ornamental lake, which I’m pretty sure was elementist made. The magical theory building was nothing short of magnificent, three stories, capped by an ornate copper dome which seemed to be a cross between a cupola and a small lookout station. I’m pretty sure most students snuck up there to smoke.

The rest of the building was full of large, white framed windows, though most people only really noticed the huge stained glass window that started at the top, running down the center. The colored glass took up two stories and had a spell attached to it, letting it change with the weather, season, and important school events. Right now it mimicked the lake—blue and green rippling waters, with sunlight carving golden paths along the surface. As I watched, a fish surface on the image, leaping up and landing with a splash.

The building was meant to intimidate and it did its job exceptionally well. I was certainly ready to bolt.

Courgage. I had it, right? I just needed to find it. Not a lot—I only needed enough to climb the steps and enter the building. From there, I’d let momentum do its job. I assumed my dad still had his coveted corner office. Just some steps and an elevator and I’d be there.

My folder of paperwork slipped in my hand. Anxiety made me sweat.

“Worst he can do is say no,” Will said. He squeezed my other equally sweaty hand, not seeming to notice that my palm was actually disgusting.

“Worst he can do is call security and have us escorted off.” I squeezed back. “I used to know the security officers by name. One of them retired. We still exchange holiday cards.”

“Your dad is such an asshole.” Will didn’t move—didn’t try to pull me along, or take me back to the car. He simply waited to see what I wanted to do.

What I wanted to do was stand there and stare at the building for several long, quiet minutes. Students walked by, those that had stayed on for summer courses, their flipflops echoing across the quad.

Maybe I didn’t have to go in.

Maybe I could just get a new dream. Something that didn’t involve my father whatsoever. Like one of those people that hugged baby pandas or maybe a puppeteer. I didn’t know anything about pandas and puppets creeped me out, but right now that didn’t seem like such a big obstacle.

Will side-eyed me. “Do you need a shove?” 


He dropped my hand, grabbed my shoulders and pushed me along the sidewalk. 

“That didn’t mean I actually wanted to play tugboat.” I slapped at his hands.

“If I’d tried to pull you, you’d dig in your heels. This way, resistance is futile.” 

I tried to dig in my heels. He was right. It was harder this way, damn it.

“Toot-toot.” He pushed me up to the doors, wrapping an arm around my shoulders so he could grab the handle of the door. In a second he had me through, the door whooshing shut behind us.


That's it for now! Hope your week is going well!




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