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I've mentioned before that I don't like reading Sad Things or books that make me cry. I mean, sometimes it's fine, but I don't want a sob fest. That's not why I'm here. That being said, there are some books that made me cry that I would still read again. Even though they hurt me. I guess some people never learn. (Mild spoilers ahead for books that are older so I don't feel bad about spoiling any of them.)

Charlotte's Web by EB White (MG Contemporary) I still remember exactly where I was when I read the scene where Charlotte dies. I suspect I was an overly empathetic child, and I still can't kill spiders. I just name them and go about my day unless one is on me or too close, and then I move them. (We sometimes refer to our bathroom as the spider room, because they love it in there.) EB White was an excellent writer, and he broke Little Lish's heart. I cried my eyes out during the book and the original animated movie. But I still kept watching it because I loved Templeton's song about the fair.

The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy--(Adult, Fantasy Romance) I laughed and cried a lot reading this book. Both sad and happy crying. It made my mom cry, too, but we both have recommended the book to a lot of people. I originally got it through the library, but bought a copy because I knew I would reread it. Such a weird, sweet, hug of a book.

Dragonriders of Pern by Anne McCafferey--(Adult, SFF) Okay, look, it's been 8 million years since I read this series, and I can't remember which one exactly made me cry. I remember the scene, and I know it was further along in the original series (I didn't read any of the books she wrote with her son.), but I can't remember which one. It was when one of my favorite characters died and I sobbed like a child...because I was a child. I haven't reread this series...maybe I should? I loved it in my youth.

The Sapphire Rose by David Eddings--(Adult, SFF) At the climax of this book, one of my favorite characters dies. His son avenges his death, but STILL. That being said, when I was younger this was one of my favorite series. The second trilogy has its issues, and they are definitely of their time, but I still love them.

Magic Rises by Ilona Andrews--(Adult, SFF) a major character dies in this book, and it's on page, and it's brutal. It's a death that makes sense for the series, and I don't want to quibble with it, but oof, it was hard to read. What really fascinated me was they wrote a book (Iron & Magic) where the person responsible for the character's death is the hero. That was a pretty difficult redemption to pull off and yet I feel like they did it?!?  This is still one of my favorite series to reread.

I know there are other books that made me cry that I don't hate, but I can't remember them right now. I'd love to hear from you in the comments--what books that you love made you sob?





I have blocked them out because I can’t think of any right now but totally agree on Magic Rises and the believable redemption in Iron & Magic! Am adding Undertaking of Hart and Mercy to books to get list!


I loved it--such a weird book. And yeah, how does Team Andrews do it? Are they wizards? I mean, in Burn for Me, Rogan kidnaps her in the beginning and the whole time I was like, "They're going to make me like this dude and excuse this behavior somehow and I'm not even mad about it." Ha!


I used to really love tearjerkers, but I cry so much lately…

