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This was the story that you were supposed to get last month that I had to swap out last minute. Besides the sickness that took out my whole family, it's just been really hard for me to create right now. Even though I know it will help me feel better, it's still difficult. I hope you are all well out there, friends. Take care of yourself and others and find a little joy when you can.




AH! It's the perfect gift! Thanks so much for taking me out of my world for a few and into one of my favorites again! I so needed that! You are an incredible writer :- )


Aw, you're welcome. To be honest, it's been really comforting to be back with the old crew. I'm glad you enjoyed it as well!


Thanks for the story! It fits well with the snow we received today (which gave me an odd, Christmas time warp feeling). I love that they were trying to do something "mundane" for James. So good to hang out with these characters again.


I've been enjoying it, too! I'm trying to decide if I want to do a story in the Firebug universe next, or pop back to Jonah or write something unrelated. We'll see.